Uber hid the information leakage of 57 million users

Posted date 23/11/2017

In October of last year, while different negotiations between US regulators and Uber took place over several privacy violations, the company suffered an information leak in which the information of 57 million users of the company was stolen. Among the data stolen from Uber and that it attempts to hide are names, e-mail addresses, and telephone numbers of 50 million users as well as social security numbers and credit card information of 7 million users.

According to Bloomberg, the company was aware of the theft a month after it happened, although instead of informing those affected, it chose to pay 100,000 dollars to the hackers who carried out the theft to silence it, something they now claim to have been an error and they apologize for it.

[Update 27/11/2018] British (ICO) and Dutch (DPA) data protection regulators convicted the transport company with a total fine of $1,170,892.