Hackathon returns to CyberCamp 2017 with news!
The opening of the registration will be done in late September or early October
For three consecutive years, CyberCamp 2017 will welcome the perfect event for any code developer, programmatic or enjoyer of the cybersecurity tools: The Hackathon. It is a competition where you and your team will compete during three days versus other competitors to develop or to improve tools, solutions and/or cybersecurity opened code.
This year, as novelty, the teams will have the possibility to compete with more developed projects. They could work in projects previously developed by themselves, and they will expose the projects to the jury and the rest of participants during the initial evaluation of the competition. In the competition, the teams will develop their proposals, and finally they will expose the whole project and the improvements developed.
Be aware because in following weeks we will update the publication with the rules of the competitions and we will open the registration!
You can find more information about the competition in the Hackathon section. If you have any question, please contact with us through the mail direction: