
Specialized in Security Offensive, Reversing, Malware, Safe and Forensic Development. 

Extended biography

Lecture: Tempest Rev. 2.0 

Currently in CS3 Group as a trainer and security analyst specializing in Malware and Reversing. He has been a lecturer at Deloitte CyberSOC Academy, collaborating professor in the Master in Cybersecurity (MCS) of the University of La Salle, Universidad Camilo José Cela, Universidad Católica de Ávila (Spain), etc. and through the Ilumno network in the main Universities of the countries of Latin America. Specialized in Security Offensive, Reversing, Malware, Safe and Forensic Development.

Regular speaker at conferences, conferences, events and other national and international institutions on cybersecurity. Previously, teacher in the Security, Networks and Systems, Development of the Training and Employment Service of the Community Board of Castilla-La Mancha.