What is INCIBE


Get to know INCIBE

The National Cybersecurity Institute  

INCIBE works to strengthen digital trust, improve cybersecurity and resilience, and contribute to the digital market in a way that promotes the safe use of cyberspace in Spain. 

The National Cybersecurity Institute of Spain (INCIBE), formerly the National Institute of Communication Technologies, is a public organization under the Ministry for Digital Transformation and Public Function, through the Secretary of State for Telecommunications and Digital Infrastructures. It is established as a leading entity for the development of cybersecurity and digital trust for citizens, academic and research networks, companies, and particularly for strategic sectors.

With activities focused on research, service provision, and coordination with relevant stakeholders, INCIBE helps build cybersecurity both nationally and internationally. 

«INCIBE is cybersecurity.»


INCIBE-CERT INCIBE-CERT es el centro de respuesta a incidentes de seguridad de referencia para los ciudadanos y entidades de derecho privado en España operado por el Instituto Nacional de Ciberseguridad, dependiente del (Ministerio para la Transformación Digital y de la Función Pública a través de la "Secretaría de Estado de Telecomunicaciones e Infraestructuras Digitales).

En el caso de la gestión de incidentes que afecten a operadores críticos del sector privado, INCIBE-CERT está operado conjuntamente por INCIBE y OCC, Oficina de Coordinación de Ciberseguridad del Ministerio del Interior.

INCIBE-CERT es uno de los equipos de respuesta de referencia ante incidentes que se coordina con el resto de los equipos nacionales e internacionales para mejorar la eficacia en la lucha contra los delitos que involucran a las redes y sistemas de información, reduciendo sus efectos en la seguridad pública. INCIBE-CERT
OSI En la Oficina de Seguridad del Internauta (OSI) de INCIBE se proporciona al ciudadano la información y el soporte necesarios para evitar y resolver los problemas de seguridad que pueden existir al navegar por Internet.

Su objetivo es reforzar la confianza en el ámbito digital a través de la formación en materia de ciberseguridad. En la OSI de INCIBE se trabaja para ayudar a los usuarios a adoptar buenos hábitos en seguridad, a hacerles conscientes de su propia responsabilidad en relación con la ciberseguridad y a contribuir a minimizar el número y la gravedad de incidencias de seguridad.

Este portal contiene información general sobre la seguridad en Internet y herramientas que ayudarán a los ciudadanos a navegar más seguro. Además, a través de su servicio de avisos es posible estar actualizado de las últimas alertas de seguridad. CIUDADANÍA
Protege tu empresa ¡Empresario! ¿Existe alguna duda sobre el cambio que está provocando la tecnología en tu negocio? Pero el principal activo sigue siendo la información porqué procesada con la tecnología es lo que da valor a tu empresa. Por este motivo es el principal activo a proteger. En este entorno, la ciberseguridad cobra un sentido especial. Por un lado porque siempre pueden ocurrir hechos inesperados, por otro lado porque la tecnología es utilizada por aquellos que «no juegan limpio». Además puede convertirse en un valor diferenciador. Porque cuando te ciberproteges, estas generando confianza frente a tus clientes, proveedores y colaboradores.

¿Cómo puedes ciberproteger tu empresa? con este conjunto de servicios gratuitos. Tu ciberseguridad, a tan sólo un clic de tu empresa. EMPRESAS


Since October 28th 2014, the National Institute of Communication Technologies, S.A. (INTECO) is now called S.M.E. National Cybersecurity Institute of Spain, M.P., S.A.  (INCIBE), according to the agreement adopted at the General Meeting of October 27th, 2014. With this change in name and image, INCIBE projects an identity in line with its strategic orientation and positioning as a national reference in cybersecurity.  

The S.M.E. Spanish National Cybersecurity Institute M.P., S.A. (INCIBE) is an institution dependant of the Ministry for Digital Transformation and Public Function through the Secretary of State for Telecommunications and Digital Infrastructures, is the entity of reference for the development of cybersecurity and the digital trust of citizens, the Spanish academic and research network (RedIRIS) and companies, especially for strategic sectors.

As a centre of excellence, INCIBE is an instrument of the Government for the development of cybersecurity as an engine of social transformation and an opportunity for innovation. With its activities based on research, the provision of services and the coordination with agents with competencies in the area, INCIBE leads cybersecurity activities at a national and international level.

INCIBE-CERT is the security incident response centre of reference for citizens and private entities in Spain operated by the National Institute of Cybersecurity, under the Ministry for Digital Transformation and of Civil Service through the State Secretariat for Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence.

In the case of incident management affecting critical private sector operators, INCIBE-CERT is jointly operated by INCIBE and OCC, the Ministry of the Interior's Cybersecurity Coordination Office.

INCIBE-CERT is one of the reference incident response teams that coordinates with the rest of the national and international teams to improve efficiency in the fight against crimes involving networks and information systems, reducing their effects on public security.


INCIBE's mission responds to the basic question "why does it exist?", and is set by its Board of Directors in accordance with the general strategy of the Spanish Government and current legislation on cybersecurity.

INCIBE's mission is:

  • To improve the cybersecurity and digital trust of citizens, minors and private companies in Spain.
  • To protect and defend Spain's citizens, minors and private companies.
  • To strengthen the Spanish cybersecurity industry.
  • To promote Spanish R&D&I in cybersecurity.
  • To identify, generate, attract and develop professionals in the cybersecurity sector.

Our mission is to be a driving force for the digital transformation of society, protecting citizens, minors and private companies in Spain and fostering the cybersecurity industry, R&D&I and talent.


INCIBE’s vision is:

  • That the level of cybersecurity of citizens and businesses is among the five best in the world.
  • That the innovation and supply of products, services and professionals related to cybersecurity in Spain is considered among the five best in the world.
  • To position INCIBE as a European benchmark in the field of cybersecurity.


INCIBE's values constitute the framework of behaviour, beyond the ethics and social responsibility required of any organisation, that the Board of Directors establishes for INCIBE and all its employees:

  • Vocation of public service
  • Neutral and collaborative spirit
  • Proactivity and flexibility
  • Excellence
  • Innovation
  • Accountable and transparent performance
  • National and international collaboration