Elvira Tejada de la Fuente

Elvira Tejada de la Fuente. She joined the Public Prosecutor's Office in 1981 and has been a Prosecutor of the Supreme Court since 2004. In charge of the Area of Specialization against Cybercrime of the Spanish Public Prosecutor's Office since July 2011, function in which she has been renewed in 2017 and 2022. In this capacity she directs the Network of Prosecutors specialized in the fight against cybercrime deployed throughout the territory of the State and coordinates its relationship with the groups and units dedicated to this matter at the national level. He is a member of the General Codification Commission of the Ministry of Justice, permanent member of the Monitoring Commission of the National Plan against Cybercrime of the Ministry of the Interior and representative of Spain in the Budapest Convention of the Council of Europe whose biannual meetings he regularly attends. He participates in teaching activities in the national and international framework.


"Head of Intelligence // Critical Infraestructure Founder The Intelligence Academy ("

Fco Javier Rodriguez Argüeso

Coming from the field of State Security Forces and Corps, he has developed his career in the field of cybersecurity and cyberintelligence for more than 15 years. He develops his work in the field of information gathering through open sources as well as Virtual HUMINT, with a special focus on the planning of operations in cyberspace.


Analyst / CSIRT of the Government of Chile

Felipe Luis Quezada Valenzuela

Cybersecurity Engineer, with experience in software development, automation and platform implementation.

Currently, I am dedicated to various topics associated with MISP, from implementation to automation, including support of this platform towards other CSIRTs and private ones.


Head of ICT Infrastructure and Security Area of the Ministry of the Interior

Francisco Alonso Batuecas

For more than 15 years, responsible for the ICT Infrastructure and Security Area at CETSE (Security Technology Center). Master of ICT Management for Defense, by the University of Vigo, University Center of Defense of the Naval Military School. Creator of the APP ALertCops, the app of the Police and Civil Guard, Director of the Data Centers of the MIR at Central level. 


CEO and Co-Founder of 7 Way Security and Be Hacker Pro

Héctor Giovanni Cruz Forero

Professional in Cybersecurity with 20 years of experience in the sector, seeks to share knowledge using his experience and knowledge and currently works as CEO of Be Hacker Pro, where he proposes strategies for strengthening human capital by building spaces to develop talent in cybersecurity, is co-founder of CSIETE and 7 Way Security, organizer of BSides Colombia, HackLab Bogotá and other spaces for building collective knowledge.


General Prosecutor - Specialized Cybercrime Prosecutor Unit (UFECI) Attorney General's Office of Argentina

Horacio Juan Azzolin

Lawyer specialized in criminal law. University professor. Attorney General, head of the Specialized Cybercrime Prosecution Unit. Member of the Intellectual Property and Cryptocurrency working groups of the Western Hemisphere of the United States Department of Justice. Member of the CiberRed and the G7 24/7 Network of High Tech Crimes.