
With the aim of informing, warning and helping professionals with the latest security vulnerabilities in technology systems, we have made a database available for users interested in this information, which is in Spanish and includes all of the latest documented and recognised vulnerabilities.

This repository, with over 75,000 registers, is based on the information from the NVD (National Vulnerability Database) – by virtue of a partnership agreement – through which INCIBE translates the included information into Spanish.

On occasions this list will show vulnerabilities that have still not been translated, as they are added while the INCIBE team is still carrying out the translation process. The CVE  (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures) Standard for Information Security Vulnerability Names is used with the aim to support the exchange of information between different tools and databases.

All vulnerabilities collected are linked to different information sources, as well as available patches or solutions provided by manufacturers and developers. It is possible to carry out advanced searches, as there is the option to select different criteria to narrow down the results, some examples being vulnerability types, manufacturers and impact levels, among others.

Through RSS feeds or Newsletters we can be informed daily about the latest vulnerabilities added to the repository. Below there is a list, updated daily, where you can discover the latest vulnerabilities.


Publication date:
Cross-site scripting vulnerability in GoAhead Web Server 2.1 allows remote attackers to execute script as other web users via script in a URL that generates a "404 not found" message, which does not quote the script.
Severity CVSS v4.0: Pending analysis
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Cross-site scripting vulnerability in Apache Tomcat 4.0.3 allows remote attackers to execute script as other web users via script in a URL with the /servlet/ mapping, which does not filter the script when an exception is thrown by the servlet.
Severity CVSS v4.0: Pending analysis
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Directory traversal vulnerability in Carello 1.3 allows remote attackers to execute programs on the server via a .. (dot dot) in the VBEXE parameter.
Severity CVSS v4.0: Pending analysis
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Heap-based buffer overflow in the message decoding functionality for PGP Outlook Encryption Plug-In, as used in NAI PGP Desktop Security 7.0.4, Personal Security 7.0.3, and Freeware 7.0.3, allows remote attackers to modify the heap and gain privileges via a large, malformed mail message.
Severity CVSS v4.0: Pending analysis
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Publication date:
Buffer overflow in the search component for iPlanet Web Server (iWS) 4.1 and Sun ONE Web Server 6.0 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via a long argument to the NS-rel-doc-name parameter.
Severity CVSS v4.0: Pending analysis
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The "through the web code" capability for Zope 2.0 through 2.5.1 b1 allows untrusted users to shut down the Zope server via certain headers.
Severity CVSS v4.0: Pending analysis
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ZCatalog plug-in index support capability for Zope 2.4.0 through 2.5.1 allows anonymous users and untrusted code to bypass access restrictions and call arbitrary methods of catalog indexes.
Severity CVSS v4.0: Pending analysis
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ktrace in BSD-based operating systems allows the owner of a process with special privileges to trace the process after its privileges have been lowered, which may allow the owner to obtain sensitive information that the process obtained while it was running with the extra privileges.
Severity CVSS v4.0: Pending analysis
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InterScan VirusWall 3.52 build 1462 allows remote attackers to bypass virus protection via e-mail messages with headers that violate RFC specifications by having (or missing) space characters in unexpected places (aka "space gap"), such as (1) Content-Type :", (2) "Content-Transfer-Encoding :", (3) no space before a boundary declaration, or (4) "boundary= ", which is processed by Outlook Express.
Severity CVSS v4.0: Pending analysis
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Off-by-one buffer overflow in the ssl_compat_directive function, as called by the rewrite_command hook for mod_ssl Apache module 2.8.9 and earlier, allows local users to execute arbitrary code as the Apache server user via .htaccess files with long entries.
Severity CVSS v4.0: Pending analysis
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Macromedia JRun Administration Server allows remote attackers to bypass authentication on the login form via an extra slash (/) in the URL.
Severity CVSS v4.0: Pending analysis
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SoftwareUpdate for MacOS 10.1.x does not use authentication when downloading a software update, which could allow remote attackers to execute arbitrary code by posing as the Apple update server via techniques such as DNS spoofing or cache poisoning, and supplying Trojan Horse updates.
Severity CVSS v4.0: Pending analysis
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