Call for proposals to participate in JNIC 2023 is now open

Posted date 13/03/2023

Research-related work may be submitted until 31 March, with an extension until 21 April for work related to transfererence, training and educational innovation.

JNIC 2023

The eighth edition of the Spanish Cybersecurity Research Conference (in Spanish Jornadas Nacionales de Investigación en Ciberseguridad, JNIC), which will be held from 21 to 23 June in Vigo, opens its call for research papers in cybersecurity until 31 March. In addition, the deadline has been extended until 21 April for those papers related to transference successful projects, as well as training and educational innovation in cybersecurity.

JNIC is the reference national cybersecurity scientific conference and this edition is organised by the atlanTTic research centre (University of Vigo) and the Gradiant technology centre. INCIBE (an entity under the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation, through the Secretary of State for Digitalisation and Artificial Intelligence) cooperates and support JNIC editions as a key player in the field of cybersecurity, which bases its activity on research, the provision of cybersecurity services and coordination with the rest of the competent agents in this area. Therefore, through this conference, INCIBE focuses its participation on promoting Research and innovation to generate knowledge and develop technology to address the needs and challenges posed by cyber threats.

This scientific conference is a great opportunity for universities, technology and research centres, companies and public administrations to exchange knowledge and experiences with the common goal of promoting research in the field of cybersecurity at national level. In recognition of excellence, prizes will be awarded to the best papers submitted.

This year, new categories are included, such as transference, allowing the submission of contributions in cybersecurity describing patent applications, prototypes, products, and more generally, work transferred to business or society, highlighting its innovative nature. 
In addition, as a second novelty, a new call for participation in a CTF (Capture The Flag) is open until 31 April, which will take place within the framework of the JNIC. This call called 'Call for flags' is aimed at the creation of challenges in cybersecurity, opening the possibility for teachers, students or professionals to create their own challenges and send a contribution according to the proposed format, which will be subsequently resolved by groups of participants in the virtual CTF that will host the conference.

Likewise, once again this year, the Spanish Network of Excellence in Cybersecurity Research (in Spanish Red de Excelencia Nacional de Investigación en Ciberseguridad, RENIC) has announce the fifth edition of the cybersecurity research awards for the best doctoral thesis and the best master's thesis, in accordance with the rules and dates that have been published.

For more information, please visit the official website of the VIII Jornadas Nacionales de Investigación en Ciberseguridad (JNIC2023).
