Her Royal Highness the Princess of Asturias participates in the “Youth and Cybersecurity Day: Enjoy the Internet safely” at the I.E.S. Julio Verne in Leganés
The initiative is part of the School Conferences organised by INCIBE to improve the digital skills of students and teachers.

Her Royal Highness the Princess of Asturias has participated today in the “Youth and Cybersecurity Day: Enjoy the Internet safety” at the I.E.S. Julio Verne in Leganés, organised by the Spanish National Cybersecurity Institute (INCIBE), dependent on the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation, through the Secretariat for Digitalisation and Artificial Intelligence.
This gathering was attended by Pilar Alegría, Minister of Education and Vocational Training; Rocío Albert, Deputy Minister of Education Policy of the Community of Madrid and Santiago Llorente, Mayor of Leganés. The training session, which brought together 39 Bachillerato [post-compulsory secondary education] and Vocational Training students, teachers and members of the school's management, is part of the initiative to raise awareness among children, parents and educators, with which INCIBE promotes the safe use of technologies through Safe Internet for Kids (IS4K).
The aim of these school conferences is to improve the digital skills of primary and secondary school teachers and students in order to make a safe and responsible use of the Internet. Thus, during the conference, topics such as respect for others and the promotion of social skills for coexistence on the Internet or the promotion of a critical spirit to contrast information on social media were addressed.
The session also focused on relevant issues for the creation of a correct digital identity for children, such as how to protect their digital devices; and on the development of initiatives and attitudes to prevent the risks to which they are exposed on the Internet. The session was led by Cristina Gutiérrez, INCIBE's technician of Cybersecurity for children; Laura Cuesta, professor of Communication and New Media at the UCJC and expert in Digital Education; Nacho Guadix, head of Education and Digital Rights at UNICEF Spain; and Silvia Álava, specialist in General Health Psychology and Educational Psychology.
During the activity, Princess Leonor took part in one of the four working groups. Rosa Díaz, Director General of INCIBE, was in charge of presenting the final conclusions of this day in front of over 450 students of the I.E.S Julio Verne.
Training programmes
INCIBE School Conferences have been held since 2016 in different parts of Spain. To date, more than 12,300 sessions have been held, through which a total of 56,441 children and 14,786 teachers have been trained. This initiative is aimed at primary and secondary school students and teachers. In these free digital skills training sessions, they work on training itineraries that teachers subsequently include in their training cycles.