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Blog posted on 30/04/2020

Sodinokibi uses the RaaS (Ramsonware as a Service) model, which favours its rapid spread. In this article we present some lines of action that should be followed in the case of having been a victim of this sophisticated malware or if it is suspected that it could have infected our systems.

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Blog posted on 08/04/2020

In the last few days there have been various reports, both nationally and internationally, of a ransomware campaign called NetWalker, also known as Mailto or Koko, which appears to target healthcare centers, taking advantage of the current state of alarm declared as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Blog posted on 06/04/2020

The ransomware attacks have experienced a great evolution from its beginnings, being able to identify a great amount of different families at the present time, many of them are highly sophisticated, with high propagation and persistence. In this blog we explain what is Sodinokibi and how it works.