Imagen decorativa Avisos
Blog posted on 23/01/2020

Throughout the year 2019, we have worked on the detection, treatment and preparation of notices related to cybersecurity in industrial environments, classifying them based on the sector, manufacturer, criticality, etc. This article summarises this work and makes a brief prediction of the events that will take place in 2020.

Imagen decorativa Noticia
News posted on 16/01/2020
Imagen decorativa Avisos
Blog posted on 26/09/2019

Perhaps, given the many important cybersecurity leaks and intrusions in recent years involving everything from social media accounts to critical infrastructure and classified military secrets, the attention paid to the Aurora vulnerability has not been proportional to its seriousness and systems affected. This is because it affects almost every electrical system in the world, and potentially any rotating equipment, whether it generates energy or is essential for an industrial or commercial installation. If the threat is so widespread, why isn’t the industry more worried and actively looking for solutions? From this article various possible reasons for this are given.

Imagen decorativa Avisos
Blog posted on 29/08/2019

In the industrial world there are many communications including radio communications. This article aims to inform the reader about these types of communications available and some concepts to consider. Also, about cases of cyberattacks that have been detected in order to prevent them in the future.