15ENISE photo gallery
- Generate business opportunities.
- Facilitate the internationalisation of Spanish industry.
- Stimulate networking.
- Promote entrepreneurship and innovation in cybersecurity.
- Discuss trends, solutions and challenges.

- Cybersecurity professionals.
- Cybersecurity entrepreneurs.
- Representatives of the academic and research sector.
- Cybersecurity companies themselves.
- Companies interested in purchasing solutions to improve the security of their information: CISO, CIO, CTO.
- Investors and potential partners.
- Programme of conferences and top-level rountdables.
- Virtual exhibition area.
- Private online meetings with international buyers.

Programme of conferences and discussion panels
- Live program fron the Conference and Exhibition Centre León (Spain).
- Coverage by video streaming.
- Simultaneous interpretation.
International Business Forum
- In collaboration with ICEX.
- Relations with international buyers participants through the online platform.
- Virtual meetings between international buyers (sophisticated demand) and Spanish sellers.
- Access reserved to sponsors. Meetings will be agreed directly between qualifying international buyers and sponsors, based on their preferences. INCIBE does not participate in the interview process.