Auditorio 2
Sunday 28 November 10:00 - Sunday 28 November 12:00
Talleres técnicos

Pedro Candel. CS3 Group Security Services

During the development of the workshop, you will see how to create an exploit from scratch for each of the three well-known recent “logo” vulnerabilities such as Dirty COW, Specter and Meltdown. The development to be carried out is detailed for each of them. Once explained, the new attacks discovered will be detailed and how their exploitation is until finally reaching the last vulnerability discovered in Intel microprocessors.

Technical Requirements:

  • Attendees can bring their computer to follow the workshop guidelines although it is not necessary since the speaker will teach the workshop as a master class.
  • Equipment Requirements:
    • Attendees must previously install a virtual machine with everything necessary already prepared to be able to execute all commands and code snippets
    • The requirements will be to have 1 GB of free space on the hard disk and at least 512 MB of free RAM for that machine.
    • It is recommended in case of using Windows to use putty or similar to access the SSH of the VM.