CISO (Chief Information Security Officer) at Zunder, a Spanish company specialized in ultra-fast charging infrastructure for electric vehicles. Main ultra-fast charging network for electric vehicles in Southern Europe.

CISO of the company Zunder. Member of the Privacy Engineering Research Group at the University of Valladolid. Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Valladolid, activity that I combine with that of Professor in the Master of Cybersecurity and Information Security at the University of Castilla la Mancha and in the Master's Degree in Security of Information Technology and Communications at the European University of Madrid. Member of the Committee CTN 320 - CYBERSECURITY AND PROTECTION OF PERSONAL DATA in UNE Spanish Association for Standardization. Co-author of the book "Hacking Web Technologies 2nd Edition" from 0xWord publishing house, and the book "Raspberry Pi for Hackers and Makers: PoCs & Hacks Just for Fun". I have recently received the recognition of CSE (Chief Security Envoy) by ElevenPaths, the Cybersecurity Unit of Telefónica.