Tipo de Evento
Director of the TRUSTECH Business Area at TECNALIA.
Extended biography

She is a graduate in IT engineering from the University of Deusto. She has a master’s in robotics and automation from the Bilbao School of Engineering and Telecommunications; she is currently Director of the TRUSTECH Business Area at TECNALIA, where they work in the fields of industrial cybersecurity, safety and blockchain. She is a member of the managing bodies of the European Cybersecurity Platform ECSO (Board of Directors), in which she has contributed actively in, among other things, setting its Strategic Research Agenda, and she is a member of the Standing Committee of the BCSC (Basque Cybersecurity Center). She is also a member of the Steering Committee of RENIC (the Spanish Network of Centres of Excellence in Cybersecurity Research).

She is a member of the Council of the WOMEN4CYBER initiative. She regularly works with the European Commission and the AEI as a proposal evaluator and project reviewer, having been a member of the “Advisory Group on Secure Societies” in H2020, and having participated recently in the Committee of Experts for preparing the National Cybersecurity Strategy 2019.