Director of the National Center for Infrastructure Protection and Cybersecurity, Secretary of State for Security, Ministry of the Interior.
Extended biography

Commander of the Guardia Civil. Graduate in Law and Degree in Business Administration and Management. He also holds a Master's Degree in Security, a Master's Degree in Urban Planning and Real Estate Management, a Master's Degree in Risk Prevention, a Military Diploma and a Master's Degree in Management and Direction of ICT Systems and Information Security.

Among other courses in the professional field, he has been awarded the title of Senior Specialist in Judicial Police or Senior Information Specialist, as well as other national and international courses at the Diplomatic School of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the European Police College, Europol, FBI, or the International Atomic Energy Organisation.

He has developed his professional career in different areas of security as head of the Guardia Civil at the Reina Sofia International Airport, the General Staff of the Deputy Operational Directorate, and the Central Operational Unit of the Judicial Police, until he joined the Secretariat of State for Security, where he is currently the Director of the National Centre for the Protection of Critical Infrastructure-CNPIC, of the Secretariat of State for Security.

In the CNPIC he has been responsible for the coordination of the different Working Groups for the elaboration of the Strategic Sectorial Plans, of those sectors declared as strategic by Spain, and included in the Law 8/2011 on Critical Infrastructure Protection, as well as one of those responsible for the implementation of the National PIC System, among other tasks.