Security Senior Manager - Accenture
Extended biography

She has a degree in Business Administration and Management, has several masters, including: Information Security Management and Management, Project Management and Planning, and specialization courses in business management, applied technologies and project management.  She has a Diploma in the Monographic course on disinformation from the Higher Center for National Defense Studies and a Diploma in Higher Studies in National Defense.

On September 1, 2021, he joined Accenture in the Security area as Senior Manager in addition to leading Rooted Málaga and co-directing, together with Concepción Cordón, the first Master's degree in cybersecurity at the EADE Autonomous School of Business Management. She is vice president of W4C Spain, a non-profit association that seeks gender balance in the world of cybersecurity.

Previously and since 2012 she has been part of the Department of National Security of the Presidency of the Government of Spain, passing through various positions, her last responsibility being the Head of the Cybersecurity Unit and the fight against disinformation, also assuming the role of Secretary of the National Cybersecurity Council and member of the Department of National Security in the Working Groups, responsible for coordinating the Permanent Commission on Cybersecurity and the National Forum on Cybersecurity, as well as the Permanent Commission to combat disinformation.  She has been responsible for coordinating the 2019 Cybersecurity Strategy and the 2019 and 2020 Anti-disinformation Procedure. In addition, she has been part of the working group for the transposition of the Network and Information Security Directive ( NIS Directive) and its regulatory development. On the other hand, he has coordinated and coordinated national participation in the NIS Directive Working Group and its working subgroups, in addition to developing the national crisis management model for the cybersecurity field.

On the other hand, he has been a member of the Management Board of the European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA) participated in the meetings of the OSCE to promote confidence in the Internet and the OECD in the framework of Digital Security .
He has been responsible for the management and direction of national and international R&D, investment and technological development projects in different public and private entities.