Head of Relations, Nodes and NCC-ES at INCIBE
Extended biography

Miguel Angel Cañada is Head of Institutional Relations and Strategy at the Spanish National Cybersecurity Institute (INCIBE), and Member of the Board of Directors and Vice Chair representing National Public Administrations of the European Cyber Security Organization (ECSO).

Expert in public affairs and communications, Miguel has more than 15 years’ experience both in the public and private sector in LatAm and the EU. Prior to INCIBE, he was Cybersecurity Program Officer at the Inter-American Committee against Terrorism of the Organization of American States (OAS). Also, he worked at the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB) and in the private technology and telecom sector.

Miguel holds a bachelor’s degree in Advertising and Public Relations, and bachelor’s degree in Journalism, both of them from the University of Navarra (Spain); an Executive Certificate Program in Strategy and Performance Management from Georgetown University (US) and a Postgraduate Program in Public Affairs Management from ICADE-Comillas University (Spain). His academic experience includes visiting professor in Political and Strategic Communications in EAE Business School (Spain)