
With the aim of informing, warning and helping professionals with the latest security vulnerabilities in technology systems, we have made a database available for users interested in this information, which is in Spanish and includes all of the latest documented and recognised vulnerabilities.

This repository, with over 75,000 registers, is based on the information from the NVD (National Vulnerability Database) – by virtue of a partnership agreement – through which INCIBE translates the included information into Spanish.

On occasions this list will show vulnerabilities that have still not been translated, as they are added while the INCIBE team is still carrying out the translation process. The CVE  (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures) Standard for Information Security Vulnerability Names is used with the aim to support the exchange of information between different tools and databases.

All vulnerabilities collected are linked to different information sources, as well as available patches or solutions provided by manufacturers and developers. It is possible to carry out advanced searches, as there is the option to select different criteria to narrow down the results, some examples being vulnerability types, manufacturers and impact levels, among others.

Through RSS feeds or Newsletters we can be informed daily about the latest vulnerabilities added to the repository. Below there is a list, updated daily, where you can discover the latest vulnerabilities.


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Moby is an open-source project created by Docker for software containerization. A security vulnerability has been detected in certain versions of Docker Engine, which could allow an attacker to bypass authorization plugins (AuthZ) under specific circumstances. The base likelihood of this being exploited is low.<br /> <br /> Using a specially-crafted API request, an Engine API client could make the daemon forward the request or response to an authorization plugin without the body. In certain circumstances, the authorization plugin may allow a request which it would have otherwise denied if the body had been forwarded to it.<br /> <br /> A security issue was discovered In 2018, where an attacker could bypass AuthZ plugins using a specially crafted API request. This could lead to unauthorized actions, including privilege escalation. Although this issue was fixed in Docker Engine v18.09.1 in January 2019, the fix was not carried forward to later major versions, resulting in a regression. Anyone who depends on authorization plugins that introspect the request and/or response body to make access control decisions is potentially impacted.<br /> <br /> Docker EE v19.03.x and all versions of Mirantis Container Runtime are not vulnerable.<br /> <br /> docker-ce v27.1.1 containes patches to fix the vulnerability. Patches have also been merged into the master, 19.0, 20.0, 23.0, 24.0, 25.0, 26.0, and 26.1 release branches. If one is unable to upgrade immediately, avoid using AuthZ plugins and/or restrict access to the Docker API to trusted parties, following the principle of least privilege.
Severity: CRITICAL
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