Cyber-attack on the Pontifical University of Salamanca

Posted date 17/09/2024

On September 9th, the Pontifical University of Salamanca contacted its students to inform them that they had been victims of a cyber-attack.

In August, similar to other educational organisations, UPSA suffered a ransomware-type cyber-attack that targeted information stored in some repositories. Although at the time of going to press no evidence has been found that student data has been exfiltrated, its availability has been affected. Among the data affected are name and surname, email, telephone number, degree, employment status and autonomous community of residence, among others.

UPSA activated external cybersecurity teams to control access and launch an investigation, in addition to contacting the National Police, the AEPD and INCIBE. On the other hand, it informed the affected students, encouraging them to change their credentials, and activated an institutional email for any doubts.