Data of students of the University of Valladolid exposed

The University of Valladolid (UVa) has reported that it has been the victim of an attack and theft of personal data hosted on the website of the International Relations Service.

After detecting the intrusion in the early hours of 10 to 11 January 2019, it has brought these facts to the attention of the Spanish Data Protection Agency in addition to filing a complaint with the Law enforcement in Spain, which have forwarded it to the Technological Investigation Brigade (BIT). They have also blocked the exposed server to prevent further information leaks and have notified by email to the people affected, warning of the possible repercussions that this attack may have and offering support to the incident.

Personal information that may have been compromised includes identification and contact details (physical address and email), passport number, bank account, as well as data related to your erasmus studies or work placement abroad.