The energetic company EDP affected by the RagnarLocker ransomware

Posted date 24/04/2020

EDP (Energías de Portugal), one of the main electricity groups in Europe and the largest in Portugal, has been the victim of a ransomware incident type, specifically the so-called RagnarLocker.

The cybercriminals responsible for the attack published a ransom request demanding 1,580 bitcoins (about €10 million) and claiming that they extracted 10 terabytes of confidential information from the group's servers.

The company has issued statements to various media, such as SIC News and BleepingComputer, where they recognize the attack suffered, indicating that they have applied measures to protect the systems that support the company's operations, and are analyzing the origin of the cyberattack.

[Update 05/08/2020] The alleged cybercriminals have published on the Deep Web some of the alleged data that they would have obtained in the cyber attack, showing that they had not only encrypted the files, but had also stolen them. Along with such data, they have also published a statement on a page of the Deep Web.