En esta sección se ofrecen contenidos de interés para los profesionales que conocen y auditan el cumplimiento legal y normativo en materia de ciberseguridad, la gestión de riesgos, la gestión y cumplimiento de políticas internas, o se encargan de la formación interna en ciberseguridad.

The value of commitment indicators in industry

Posted on 08/03/2018, by
Cover commitment in the industry
In recent years, indicators of compromise have become the best way of exchanging information when it comes to managing an incident. But, do we really know how to manage an indicator of compromise? The aim of an indicator of compromise is to map the information that is received or extracted during the analysis of an incident. This is done in such a way that it can be reused by other investigators or affected people, in order to discover the same evidence in their systems and to be able to determine if they have been compromised or not.

How to Evaluate my Cybersecurity Capacities According to C4V

Posted on 03/11/2017, by
How to Evaluate
After having analysed the "why" behind the cybersecurity capacities evaluation model in the first entry dedicated to the C4V model and after having explained how to carry out an appropriate management of risks in the value chain in the second edition, this third edition is dedicated to explaining how to carry out an evaluation of ourselves.

What is the cyber security level of my value chain?

Posted on 30/03/2017, by
What is the cyber security level of my value chain?
As explained in the first post of this series dedicated to the C4V model, the cyber security level of outsourced services is key to assess the cyber security capabilities of any organisation: It is no use increasing the cyber security levels of an organisation if their suppliers’ levels are not as high, because -it goes without saying that- "security is as strong as its weakest link".