Open the deadline for receiving papers for JNIC 2019 in Cáceres

Posted date 06/02/2019

INCIBE collaborates in the organization of the Spanish Cybersecurity Research Conference (JNIC), where cybersecurity researchers meet


The fifth edition of JNIC will take place in Cáceres, on 5, 6 y 7 June 2019, organized jointly by the University of Extremadura, the Complutense University of Madrid and the COMPUTAEX foundation and with the collaboration of the Spanish National Cybersecurity Institute (INCIBE) that with its activity based on research, the provision of services and coordination with agents with competencies in cybersecurity, through these conferences offers its support to R&D&i to generate knowledge and develop technology that makes facing the needs and challenges posed by cybersecurity.
The conference is a great opportunity for universities, technology and research centers, companies and public administration to exchange knowledge and experiences with the common goal of promoting research in the field of cybersecurity at the national level.
This year, the conferences are structured in three areas of work:

  1. Research in cybersecurity.
  2. Training and educational innovation in cybersecurity.
  3. Program of technology transfer in cybersecurity through a contest of scientific challenges raised during the Conference. More information at:

Two types of contributions will be accepted for publication in any subject related to cybersecurity research or cybersecurity educational training and innovation. In any case, the authors undertake to present the works accepted during the conference.

  1. Articles (maximum 8 pages): Original scientific contributions.
  2. Extended summaries (maximum 2 pages). Being able to describe among others:
  • Emerging works, projects that are starting, tool or software development, etc.
  • Abstracts of scientific results already published during 2017 or 2018.
  • Results of PFCs, TFGs, TFM or doctoral theses that wish to present themselves to the prize that will be granted during the Conference.
  • Results of experiences in education and educational innovation.

The call for papers is open until March 10, 2019.

In recognition of research excellence, this scientific contest includes awards for the best submitted papers and awards for the best solutions to challenge and the challenge with the most proposed solutions in the transfer track.

In addition, this year, the Spanish Network of Excellence on Cybersecurity Research RENIC announces the First Edition of Awards to the best Thesis and the best Final Work of Master, which can be chosen by university students from the national territory who have developed the work to be evaluated within the framework of Doctorates and Postgraduate Studies and ICT qualifications during 2018, and whose work theme is related to Cybersecurity.

For more information, consult the website:
