INCIBE collaborates in the JNIC 2018 in San Sebastián

For the fourth consecutive year, the National Cybersecurity Research Conference (JNIC) are held in Spain. JNIC is a meeting point for researchers working in the field of Cybersecurity where they will have the opportunity to exchange knowledge and experiences, with the common objective of promoting research in the cybersecurity domain at national level, facilitating the collaboration and technology transference.
This fourth edition of JNIC will take place in San Sebastian, on 13, 14 and 15 June 2018, organized by the Mondragon Unibertsitatea with the collaboration of the Spanish National Cybersecurity Institute (INCIBE). INCIBE as a key player in the area of cybersecurity, coordinates actions and efforts with other national and international public and private organizations that work in this area, supporting research and innovation to generate knowledge and technology that meets the needs and challenges aroused by cyber-threats and cyber-attacks.
The conference offers a great opportunity to universities, technology and research centers, companies and government entities to coordinate their research and innovative action on Cybersecurity and materialize it in products and services of value that promote the digital trust of citizens.
This year, the Conference focuses primarily on three areas of work:
- Research in Cybersecurity.
- Training and educational innovation in cybersecurity.
- Cybersecurity technology transference program through a contest of scientific challenges raised during the Conference. More information at:
Two types of contributions will be accepted for publication in any subject related to Cybersecurity Research or Educational Training and Innovation. In any case, the authors commit themselves to present the papers accepted during the conference.
- Articles (maximum 8 pages): Original scientific contributions.
- Extended abstracts (maximum 2 pages). Describing among others:
- Work in progress, starting projects, development of tools or software, etc.
- Summaries of scientific results already published during 2016 or 2017.
- Results of student works (PFC, TFG, TFM or PhD thesis) eligible for the prize to be awarded during the Conference.
- Results of experiences in education and educational innovation.
The call for papers is open until March 1, 2018.
In recognition of the research excellence, this scientific contest will grant the following awards.
Prizes for submitted works
- Award for the best research article
- Award for the best educational innovation and training article
- Award for the best work in progress article
- Prize for the best already published work
Awards for the best student work
- First prize for the best student work
- Second prize for the best student work
- Third prize for the best student work
Prizes related to the transference track
- Award to the best challenger
- Award for the best challenge proposed solution.
In addition, INCIBE will select from the awarded works those that best represent the spirit of the event CyberCamp 2018, (mostly technical and innovative), and will receive an invitation to present their work in person at that event.
For more information, check the Conference’s website: