INCIBE leads the european 4NSEEK project on international police coordination in the area of cybercrime and child sexual abuse

Posted date 12/02/2019

The Institute will conduct several initiatives such as advance training to police agents, technological development of forensic tools as well as awareness and dissemination of materials focused on minors

Proyecto 4NSEEK

The Spanish National Cybersecurity Institute (INCIBE), an organization dependent on the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Business, the Secretary of State for Digital Progress, has begun a new European project as coordinator. The project "Forensic Against Sexual Exploitation of Children - 4NSEEK", counts with the participation of partners such as: Ministry of the Interior (National Police and Civil Guard), Police of Malta, University of León, University of Malta, University of Groningen (The Netherlands) and the Portuguese Association for Victim Support (APAV).

INCIBE, as project coordinator, will conduct several initiatives aligned with the objectives of the project that focus on international police cooperation in the fight against child sexual abuse and the distribution of its contents through the Internet; training of the police and prosecutors with the latest techniques and regulations in the fight against this cybercrime; awareness and dissemination campaigns with specific materials for minors and adolescents, as well as families and teachers; and the technological development of forensic tools to obtain digital evidences.

In addition, INCIBE will be in charge of organizing the meetings of consortium partners and reporting all the advances achieved to the European Union.

The project is funded by the Internal Security Fund of the European Union, which promotes the implementation of the European Union's Internal Security Strategy, police cooperation and the management of the Union's external borders. The fund is endowed with 3.8 billion euros for the period 2014-2020 and the 4NSEEK project is part of that fund, being funded with an amount exceeding 1.1 million euros, representing 90% of its costs, for the period 2019-2020.

The specific call to which the proposal has been submitted is ISFP-2017-AG-CYBER, whose objective is to finance projects in the area of Cybercrime and Child Sexual Abuse, with special attention to the identification and response of victims and countering travelling child sex offenders.

The two-year project will promote international police cooperation in this area, with the participation of European LEAs (Law Enforcement Agency) such as those of Spain and Malta, as well as the American LEAs: Argentina, Belize, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador and Paraguay. Part of these initiatives will converge in the event organized by INCIBE: Cybersecurity Summer BootCamp in the editions of 2019 and 2020.

Additionally, it will allow the evolution of the forensic analysis tool of digital evidences initiated under the European project ASASEC, in order to include innovative improvements based on the needs of the LEAs involved, reinforced by the scientific research of the participating Universities.

Co-funded by the Internal Security Fund of the European Union
