An INTERPOL working group meets at INCIBE this week
Representatives of various international organizations from 13 countries will participate.

INCIBE welcomes at its headquarters in León from today until Friday, March 22, the private meeting of a working group of INTERPOL, the largest international police organization, with the aim of developing technological solutions for the fight against child sexual abuse and the exchange of information and experience in this field among international organizations.
This is the fourth meeting of the working group (the three previous ones were held in: Copenhagen, The Hague and Washington). Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs), and public and private organizations from 13 countries will participate: United States, United Kingdom, Germany, the Netherlands, Denmark, Ireland, Norway, Romania, Canada, Finland, Sweden, Israel and Spain. The meeting will have representatives from INTERPOL and EUROPOL; from private organizations such as Google and Cisco; from the Telematics’ Crimes Group of the Civil Guard and of the Technological Investigation Unit of the National Police Force of Spain, as well as three people belonging to INCIBE’s cyber-technologies unit.
Throughout the week, participants will be divided into groups to work on different software development projects that they have previously selected.
Among its lines of action, INCIBE has an important capacity to tackle complex projects of diverse nature and with a strong innovative component. It also has the capacity to generate intelligence in cybersecurity that reverts in the improvement of services, developing technologies and tools that allow identifying, classifying and analyzing security incidents. This knowledge supported by technology, provides INCIBE with the ability to have an intelligence model that can deal with the different forms of cybercrime and its constant evolution. As a result of this technical capacity and technological model, various collaborations are established with the Spanish LEAs in their fight against cybercrimes. Likewise, INCIBE, as a reference entity, develops an important activity in the field of design and implementation of cybersecurity management systems.