JNIC 2018 starts with the collaboration of INCIBE

Posted date 26/06/2018


From today and until Friday, San Sebastián hosts the fourth edition of the National Cybersecurity Research Conference (JNIC) called JNIC2018, is held in San Sebastian on June 13, 14 and 15, 2018. JNIC is an event organized by the University of Mondragon with the collaboration of the National Institute of Cybersecurity (INCIBE), a body under the Ministry of Economy and Business.

JNIC is the reference scientific national congress specific in cybersecurity, which serves as a meeting point for researchers and professionals in the field of cybersecurity. It is focused on three areas of work: research in cybersecurity, training and educational innovation. It also has a contest called JNIC Transference Program based on scientific challenges that seeks to strengthen ties between the worlds of Academia and Industry and which was first time presented on previous 2017 edition.

The conference offers a great opportunity for the cybersecurity sector (universities, technology and research centers, companies and government agencies) to conduct research and innovative actions and materialize them in products and services of value that foster the digital confidence of society.

During the celebration of the Conference, various prizes will be awarded to the best articles of different categories and to the best solutions proposed to the challenges of the JNIC Transference Program.

The sustained support of INCIBE to this scientific congress is part of the objective of fostering and promoting national research and innovation in cybersecurity, and is part of various initiatives for the connection, cohesion and collaboration of the national research ecosystem in cybersecurity.

