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Blog posted on 02/02/2023

The programming of PLCs is a fundamental part of the initial phases when building and designing industrial plants. About that environment, the company will base all its operations in that environment making the configuration of these controllers a critical element. When it comes to programming these devices there are a series of steps and best practices that take advantage of the native functionalities available and that involve little or no need to resort to a PLC programmer, protecting the device in a simple way with minimum spend on resource.

Imagen decorativa Avisos
Blog posted on 11/01/2023

After the establishment of the cloud technology in industrial environments to provide processes a greater intelligence, new technological challenges arise that give rise to technical implementation solutions such as edge computing. This strategy makes it possible to extend cloud environments to different locations for processing collected data from the environment locally and immediately. An example of this new technological paradigm can be seen in modern manufacturing plants where sensors (IIoT) generate a constant flow of data to prevent breakdowns, improve operations, etc. Given that amount of data that can be generated, it is faster and more profitable to process the data in a close position from the equipment rather than transmitting It to a remote data center.

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Blog posted on 11/11/2022

Es tanta la información que se encuentra actualmente accesible para los usuarios en Internet, que aquella ofrecida por ciertas páginas web o aplicaciones en tiempo real puede resultar de especial preocupación en cuanto a su confidencialidad para ciertos sectores, dado que podría ser utilizada con fines malintencionados.

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Blog posted on 06/10/2022

In order to increase security levels in OT networks, there are now solutions that monitor networks, devices and configurations, actively looking for anomalies and possible security flaws and intrusions that could take place. However, there are other types of attacks on ICS that are carried out on a completely different plane, where anomaly analysis systems can’t reach. These are attacks on analog sensors.

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Blog posted on 24/02/2022

This post will analyse the vulnerabilities associated with Log4Shell, detected in the library Log4j, which is found in infinite software products both in technical and industrial fields. Although there have been other instances of more sophisticated vulnerabilities, the problem with this one is area of exposure.

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Blog posted on 04/03/2021

With the arrival of industry 4.0 to companies’ productive processes, including IIoT and Cloud, the need to control and monitor the ICS that remotely make them up arises. However, said access points should be established securely and in a controlled manner, mainly due to the criticality of these assets. This article discusses good practices, tools and methods that can be used to establish remote connections to OT networks as securely as possible.

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Blog posted on 18/02/2021

Software Defined Radio (SDR) is the result of the technological evolution of conventional analogue radio. Its characteristics and operational capability make it a versatile device with both positive and negative applications within the field of cybersecurity.

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Blog posted on 17/12/2020

Wireless communications encompass a set of protocols that are widely used in some industrial sectors. In particular, building automation is based on these protocols, mainly using the BACNET and Lontalks protocols, but also making use of new ZigBee and Bluetooth based devices for IIoT. This article will provide information on SweynTooth, a set of vulnerabilities that affect Bluetooth technology.

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Blog posted on 06/08/2020

After the articles “IEC 61850 Standard, all for one and one for all” and “Multicast security in IEC 61850”, it is useful to add more information about the cybersecurity guidelines set out in the IEC 62351 standard with respect to the GOOSE protocol. An explanation will be made of the operation of the protocol, the weaknesses it presents and the appropriate security measures to protect it against possible attackers.

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Blog posted on 12/09/2019

In recent years there has been an increase in interconnectivity between devices thanks to the Internet of Things (IoT). This has affected all sectors, including industry, which has been involved in an era of connectivity of industrial devices. This concept is known as the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT).