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End of the SIC-SPAIN 2.0 project co-financed by the European Union and led by INCIBE
Posted date 24/03/2022
Around 80,000 young people have benefitted over 14 months from actions to raise awareness, and prevent and respond to risks for the safe use of the Internet and technology.
Call for papers opened now to be part of JNIC 2022
Posted date 14/03/2022
Until April 15, works related to research, training and educational innovation in cybersecurity may be presented
La vicepresidenta Calviño destaca la confianza digital como clave para el desarrollo de los países durante la clausura de 14ENISE spirit
Posted date 26/01/2022
El encuentro de referencia en el sector de la ciberseguridad ha contado con la participación de cerca de 2.000 asistentes virtuales y 57 empresas
INCIBE lanza una guía de ciberataques para usuarios no técnicos
Posted date 26/01/2022
En el documento se examinan más de 30 tipos de ataques diferentes y se ofrecen pautas para que los usuarios sepan cómo actuar ante ellos o cómo evitarlos.
14ENISE spirit analyzes the future of cybersecurity in its first virtual edition
Posted date 26/01/2022
The Secretary of State for Digitization and Artificial Intelligence, Carme Artigas, highlights the event as an example of unity and joint work in the face of the main transformation: digital transformation.