Concept development room

Ciberemprende: Training Worshop


October 22, 2019

Hour Topic Description
15:00 Role Play Rehearsal of presentations, providing group feedback
17:30 Break  
17:45 Training Worshop Presentation and communication skills
18:45 End of session  

Workshop: European Cybersecurity Pilots and the Impact for Spain


October 23, 2019

Hour Topic Description
09:30 Introduction to European Cybersecurity Pilots INCIBE
10:00 CYBERSEC4EUROPE Objectives UMU
10:30 SPARTA Objectives Tecnalia
11:00 Coffe Break  
11:30 CONCORDIA Objectives  
12:00 Panel: Use Cases and Impact for Spain ATOS, INDRA
12:45 Panel: New challenges for cybersecurity and synergies between pilots  
13:30 Conclusions and next steps in coordination  
14:00 End of session