En esta sección se ofrecen contenidos de interés para los profesionales en entornos TO que se ocupan de administrar y mantener aplicaciones, sistemas, equipos de redes, gestión de usuarios y accesos, servicios, soporte técnico y respuesta a incidentes de TO.

Las tareas de estos profesionales son muchas veces análogas a las de los profesionales de TI, con la salvedad de que tratan con sistemas en los que la disponibilidad es a menudo más crítica que la confidencialidad.

FAT and SAT tests on industrial devices

Posted on 07/04/2022, by
FAT and SAT tests on ICS
The continuity of the production process in businesses that require industrial automation depends more and more on the proper functioning, safety and reliability of the system of that composes it. Therefore, conducting tests of acceptance of its operation prior to its commissioning, is vital to ensure that the systems acquired meet the requirements set out in the contract between the company and the manufacturer.

Log4Shell: analysis of vulnerabilities in Log4j

Posted on 24/02/2022, by
Log4Shell: analysis of vulnerabilities in Log4j
This post will analyse the vulnerabilities associated with Log4Shell, detected in the library Log4j, which is found in infinite software products both in technical and industrial fields. Although there have been other instances of more sophisticated vulnerabilities, the problem with this one is area of exposure.

RECOVER: the capacity of organizations to restore their services following a cyber-attack

Posted on 07/10/2021, by
CII recover goal
It is necessary to protect the main business processes through a set of tasks that allow the organisation to recover from a major incident in a timeframe that does not compromise the continuity of its services. This ensures a planned response to any security breach.

Control of multicast requests in the IEC 61850 standard

Posted on 27/05/2021, by
control of multicast requests in the IEC 61850 standard
In previous articles an introduction was given to the 61850 regulation and the different protocols of which it consists. As explained in those articles, the GOOSE and SV (Sample Values) protocols, included in the standard, use multicast frames. Security is very difficult to implement in this type of frame, but there are a number of measures that make possible to raise the security level.

Technologies shaping the electricity grid of the future

Posted on 29/04/2021, by
technologies shaping the electricity grid of the future
In recent years we have witnessed the evolution of the electrical grid and the development of new technologies produce what we know today as the smart grid. This evolution continues to this day and the trend seems to point to greater interconnection between end consumers and the grid, which increases possible attack vectors. Over the course of this article, we shall see the security measures that will be used in the electrical grid of the future.

Secure remote access in ICS

Posted on 04/03/2021, by
secure remote access in ICS
With the arrival of industry 4.0 to companies’ productive processes, including IIoT and Cloud, the need to control and monitor the ICS that remotely make them up arises. However, said access points should be established securely and in a controlled manner, mainly due to the criticality of these assets. This article discusses good practices, tools and methods that can be used to establish remote connections to OT networks as securely as possible.

SweynTooth: Bluetooth in the spotlight

Posted on 17/12/2020, by
Sweyntooth: Bluetooth in the spotlight
Wireless communications encompass a set of protocols that are widely used in some industrial sectors. In particular, building automation is based on these protocols, mainly using the BACNET and Lontalks protocols, but also making use of new ZigBee and Bluetooth based devices for IIoT. This article will provide information on SweynTooth, a set of vulnerabilities that affect Bluetooth technology.

Cyberchallenges to security in industrial robotics

Posted on 19/11/2020, by
cyberchallenges to security in industrial robotics
Around 4 million robots are expected to be introduced in the area of industry over the next five years. This is on top of the evolution towards industry 4.0, in which industrial robotics is crucial, and which is now consolidated in any industrial process, from the manufacturing industry to any large-area warehouse. In that industrial transformation, barriers must be applied to ensure the integrity of the components and to prevent incidents in plants.

Security in the GOOSE protocol

Posted on 06/08/2020, by
After the articles “IEC 61850 Standard, all for one and one for all” and “Multicast security in IEC 61850”, it is useful to add more information about the cybersecurity guidelines set out in the IEC 62351 standard with respect to the GOOSE protocol. An explanation will be made of the operation of the protocol, the weaknesses it presents and the appropriate security measures to protect it against possible attackers.