En esta sección se ofrecen contenidos de interés para los profesionales que manejan en su actividad diferentes lenguajes de programación, entornos de desarrollo, herramientas para garantizar la seguridad, analistas y auditores de código, criptógrafos, o especialistas en ingeniería inversa y malware.

IEC 62443-4-2, the need to secure components

Posted on 12/05/2022, by
Standard IEC 62443-4-2, the need to secure ISC components
The security of control systems can be threatened from different aspects, with the end device being the most important attack vector. With this in mind, the IEC, within the 62443 standard, wanted to emphasise devices by preparing a document exclusively concerning their security: IEC62443-4-2. This document contains different technical requirements to improve the security of the types of assets that can be found in a control system.

FAT and SAT tests on industrial devices

Posted on 07/04/2022, by
FAT and SAT tests on ICS
The continuity of the production process in businesses that require industrial automation depends more and more on the proper functioning, safety and reliability of the system of that composes it. Therefore, conducting tests of acceptance of its operation prior to its commissioning, is vital to ensure that the systems acquired meet the requirements set out in the contract between the company and the manufacturer.

Log4Shell: analysis of vulnerabilities in Log4j

Posted on 24/02/2022, by
Log4Shell: analysis of vulnerabilities in Log4j
This post will analyse the vulnerabilities associated with Log4Shell, detected in the library Log4j, which is found in infinite software products both in technical and industrial fields. Although there have been other instances of more sophisticated vulnerabilities, the problem with this one is area of exposure.

The MITRE matrix: tactics and techniques in industrial settings

Posted on 03/02/2022, by
MITRE matrix: TTP in ICS
Monitoring and analyzing security incidents in Industrial Control Systems (ICS) has been a priority for many organizations for a while now. As a response to this need, and given the great success in other areas specialized in cybersecurity, the MITRE organization has developed a matrix that collects many of the tactics, techniques and procedures detected in the industrial world. This article seeks to make the contents and potential uses of said matrix known.

Threat analysis study: Hive

Posted on 20/12/2021, by
imagen de estudios de amenazas
The malicious code of the ransomware known as ‘Hive’ represents a threat to all users, as it implements encryption functionalities on the information in an infected computer, making simple recovery of the data impossible. This threat attempts to use extortion to recover the information, demanding a payment and threatening publication of part of the stolen information on a blog through the network Tor if the payment is not forthcoming.

EVOLVE: organisations’ capacity to adapt and improve their services after a cyberattack

Posted on 25/11/2021, by
CII: evolve measurement
All organisations must be prepared so that, after the impact of a cyberattack, it may change, improve and adapt its processes and services. For this reason, it is necessary to protect the main business processes using a set of tasks that allow the organisation to evolve after a serious incident to redesign its strategies and minimise the possible impact of future cyberattacks

New generation antivirus applied to OT environments

Posted on 28/10/2021, by
New generation antivirus
The new generations of antiviruses may entail an improvement in the OT environment, since special care must be taken with the assets, networks and communications of Industrial Control Systems. They can also help secure our industries against the increasingly frequent cyberattacks directed against them.

RECOVER: the capacity of organizations to restore their services following a cyber-attack

Posted on 07/10/2021, by
CII recover goal
It is necessary to protect the main business processes through a set of tasks that allow the organisation to recover from a major incident in a timeframe that does not compromise the continuity of its services. This ensures a planned response to any security breach.

Threat analysis study: Anatsa

Posted on 05/07/2021, by
image of threat studies
Anatsa is a banking Trojan designed for Android devices that has become particularly relevant since its discovery in January 2021. Throughout the study, a detailed technical analysis of the threat is carried out using a sample of the malicious code in question to show how this malware behaves and the possibilities it offers.

Control of multicast requests in the IEC 61850 standard

Posted on 27/05/2021, by
control of multicast requests in the IEC 61850 standard
In previous articles an introduction was given to the 61850 regulation and the different protocols of which it consists. As explained in those articles, the GOOSE and SV (Sample Values) protocols, included in the standard, use multicast frames. Security is very difficult to implement in this type of frame, but there are a number of measures that make possible to raise the security level.

Technologies shaping the electricity grid of the future

Posted on 29/04/2021, by
technologies shaping the electricity grid of the future
In recent years we have witnessed the evolution of the electrical grid and the development of new technologies produce what we know today as the smart grid. This evolution continues to this day and the trend seems to point to greater interconnection between end consumers and the grid, which increases possible attack vectors. Over the course of this article, we shall see the security measures that will be used in the electrical grid of the future.

Threat analysis studies: Mekotio, FluBot, Cring and WannaMine

Posted on 15/04/2021, by
Threat analysis studies image
Various studies with threat analysis or malware distribution campaigns affecting Spain and identified through incident management undertaken by INCIBE-CERT. The aim is to increase knowledge of the more technical details and characteristics of the threats so that organisations can implement appropriate detection and protection measures.