Imagen decorativa Avisos
Blog posted on 04/04/2024

The automotive world has always been one of the most cutting-edge sectors in terms of the technology used, which is why today's cars are equipped with technologies such as Bluetooth, NFC, GPS, etc., which improve different aspects such as comfort, fuel efficiency and increased safety.

But these implemented technologies can also bring with them serious problems, such as the risk of cyber-attacks that can affect passengers in the vehicle, both at the level of personal data and physical security.

For this reason, this article aims to provide an insight into some of the cyber-attacks that smart cars have suffered and how cyber-security is evolving and adapting to make more and more vehicles cyber-safe.

Imagen decorativa Avisos
Blog posted on 21/03/2024

Currently, industrial infrastructures are suffering more attacks than ever before, and it is expected that attacks on these types of infrastructures will continue to grow exponentially in the coming years. This is why, throughout this article, an analysis will be made of a group of cybercriminals and their standard attack, showing how information can be obtained on the modus operandi, when and by what tactics and techniques they managed to attack an industrial infrastructure

Imagen decorativa Avisos
Blog posted on 15/02/2024

The industrial environment, especially the energy sector, is one of sectors that is suffering the most from cyber-attacks. This trend has been increasing in recent years, as this is one of the most information-sensitive sectors and can cause major problems, both economically and socially.

One of the best examples of malware attacks is BlackEnergy. This malware became known for being able to compromise several electricity distributors on 23 December 2015, causing households in the Ivano-Frankvisk region of Ukraine (a population of around 1.5 million) to be without electricity.

For this reason, due to seriousness of this type of cyberattacks, it is necessary to continue researching and investing in industrial cybersecurity, to reduce the damage caused by this type of cyber-attack in industrial environments.

Imagen decorativa Noticia
News posted on 13/02/2024
Imagen decorativa Avisos
Blog posted on 25/01/2024

After the pandemic, it has been observed that the healthcare sector has been one of the most attacked by cybercrimilas and organizations. This has generated a significant impact on the affected organitations, making it essencial to protect this sector due to its strategic nature and to achieve this, it is neccesary to understand its characteristics and the threats that affect it.

Imagen decorativa Avisos
Blog posted on 18/01/2024

Article summarizing the Industrial Control Systems (ICS) alerts published during the year 2023 on the INCIBE-CERT website, with emphasis on different indicators, such as criticality, type of attack, etc.

The motivation is to give the published notices an added value, in order to compile the information of the whole year as a logbook. In addition, this type of article was well received in previous years, showing in several talks the graphs of the article to argue the exponential growth of vulnerabilities in ICS.


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Blog posted on 28/12/2023

Second part of the Top 20 mitigations for industrial environments. This part will focus on mitigations related to network architecture, industrial protocols, network configuration and vulnerability scanning.

Imagen decorativa Avisos
Blog posted on 21/12/2023

In the industrial world, there are a large number of systems, equipment, networks, areas, ducts, cloud environments, IT-OT environments, etc. In recent years, the number of attacks on industrial environments has been growing exponentially, and not only on purely industrial environments, but also on corporate environments that are connected to industrial environments. These IT environments being access points for attackers due to this IT/OT connectivity.

Imagen decorativa Avisos
Blog posted on 30/11/2023

The security gaps and issues that exist within industrial environments are sometimes unknown to many information consumers. This article aims to bring first hand some of the most interesting issues and attack trends in 2023 in the industrial sector. Different industrial cybersecurity incidents so far this year will be described at a high level and a comparison will be made with the trend presented at the beginning of the year.

Imagen decorativa Avisos
Blog posted on 16/11/2023

OSINT (Open-Source Intelligence) is a technique that focuses on the collection, evaluation and analysis of public information through different methods and techniques, with the objective of discovering vulnerabilities or collecting sensitive information that could become threats. 

It should be emphasized that the data collection is not called OSINT, it would be raw information. Once this information is evaluated and treated, it could be said that we are really talking about open-source intelligence (OSINT).

Initially it has been used in the military and government sector. Its use in OT, with disciplines such as SIGINT (Signals Intelligence), IMINT (Imagery Intelligence) or even 'Sock Puppets' (fake profiles or intruders in technical forums) is making havoc due to the criticality of this equipment. Disinformation or the compilation of sensitive industrial technical information are some of the serious consequences that this sector is exposed to.