Imagen decorativa Avisos
Blog updated on 12/08/2021

This post presents some lines of action that should be followed to deal with a DrDoS cyberattack based on the PortMapper protocol, describing in detail the prevention, identification and response phases to follow.

Imagen decorativa Avisos
Blog updated on 25/06/2021

This post presents some lines of action that should be followed to deal with a DrDoS cyberattack based on the LDAP protocol, describing in detail the prevention, identification and response phases to follow.

Imagen decorativa Avisos
Blog updated on 17/02/2022

This post presents some lines of action that should be followed to deal with a DrDoS cyberattack based on the QOTD protocol, describing in detail the prevention, identification and response phases to follow.

Imagen decorativa Avisos
Blog updated on 11/11/2021

This post presents some lines of action that should be followed to deal with a DrDoS cyberattack based on the SSDP protocol, describing in detail the prevention, identification and response phases to follow.

Imagen decorativa Avisos
Blog updated on 31/05/2024

En este post se presentan algunas líneas de actuación que deben seguirse para hacer frente a un ciberataque DrDoS basado en el protocolo CharGEN, describiendo detalladamente las fases de prevención, identificación y respuesta a adoptar.

Imagen decorativa Avisos
Blog posted on 25/01/2024

After the pandemic, it has been observed that the healthcare sector has been one of the most attacked by cybercrimilas and organizations. This has generated a significant impact on the affected organitations, making it essencial to protect this sector due to its strategic nature and to achieve this, it is neccesary to understand its characteristics and the threats that affect it.

Imagen decorativa Avisos
Blog posted on 24/08/2023

The increase of malware specifically designed to run on systems that support industrial processes creates a need in the industry that can be partly covered by different technological solutions. This article will focus on the different options available on the market to detect malicious files that aim to modify the operation of industrial environments or simply cause denials of service.
Both portable and agent-deployed solutions can be an option, and this article will reflect on these and other options as well as provide guidelines on when it is best to use one solution or the other.

Imagen decorativa Avisos
Blog posted on 24/08/2023

The evolution of communications in society is also having an impact on the industrial world. With the arrival of 5G, many industrial companies have considered migrating some of their communications to take advantage of the characteristics of this new mobile communications band, such as the reduction of latency times, the increase in connection speed or the exponential increase in the number of devices that can be connected to the network. These characteristics fit perfectly with the industrial mentality, where there are a multitude of interconnected devices between which there cannot be a communication cut due to the criticality of the processes they implement. 

This article aims to comment, in addition to all the advantages that 5G provides to the industry, the different uses that can be given currently and the complexity of implementing these communications in some devices for subsequent deployment in the industry. Also, to specify possible vulnerabilities in communications using 5G networks.

Imagen decorativa Avisos
Blog posted on 10/08/2023

Within the industrial world, systems can be detected that do not have all their cybersecurity capabilities activated. This can occur for a variety of reasons, but if detected, each case must be analyzed to get the most out of each device. 
The ability to robustly configure programs, services or other nuances within industrial systems is called bastioning and allows, among other things, to prevent assets from having a large exposure to the network or the solutions deployed in the system from having vulnerabilities resulting from misconfiguration.
In this article, we will begin by explaining what hardening is and how to apply it to our industrial network, along with some good practices to follow.

Imagen decorativa Avisos
Blog posted on 20/07/2023

When a security incident occurs in an ICS (Industrial Control System), depending on the severity of the incident, it can generate a serious problem, both at a productive and economic level, as well as in the security of the people working in the industrial system.
Therefore, in this article following the one entitled "Good practices for the recovery of industrial systems (I)", response plans will be discussed from a point of view oriented to current regulations, as well as their applications and necessity in critical industrial environments, such as the energy sector.