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Blog posted on 09/11/2023

The  Avaddon ransomware appears as a disturbing threat that has demonstrated its ability to exploit vulnerabilities in systems, compromising the security and integrity of critical data. 

This article dives into the details of how Avaddon works, while also providing a comprehensive analysis of strategies to detect and mitigate the threat.

Imagen decorativa Avisos
Blog posted on 02/11/2023

The automotive sector is currently moving towards electric consumption, as society is becoming more and more aware of the problems that environmental pollution can cause.

One of the big challenges of this trend is how to charge electric vehicles, for which charging points are currently used.

But like most of today's technological devices, they will also need to have access to an Internet connection in order to be able to monitor in real time the use of the station, the customer's banking information, etc.

For this reason, in this article we want to talk about the different risks or cyber-attacks that these charging points may suffer and the problems they may cause, as this is a very important sector for society and one that is capable of managing very sensitive information

Imagen decorativa Avisos
Blog posted on 24/08/2023

The evolution of communications in society is also having an impact on the industrial world. With the arrival of 5G, many industrial companies have considered migrating some of their communications to take advantage of the characteristics of this new mobile communications band, such as the reduction of latency times, the increase in connection speed or the exponential increase in the number of devices that can be connected to the network. These characteristics fit perfectly with the industrial mentality, where there are a multitude of interconnected devices between which there cannot be a communication cut due to the criticality of the processes they implement. 

This article aims to comment, in addition to all the advantages that 5G provides to the industry, the different uses that can be given currently and the complexity of implementing these communications in some devices for subsequent deployment in the industry. Also, to specify possible vulnerabilities in communications using 5G networks.

Imagen decorativa Avisos
Blog posted on 17/08/2023

External access provides great convenience to workers, as it allows them to access any industrial equipment deployed in the field from the office or even further away. However, this type of access can pose a number of security problems for the company. This article reviews the main problems and how to solve them.

Imagen decorativa Avisos
Blog posted on 10/08/2023

Within the industrial world, systems can be detected that do not have all their cybersecurity capabilities activated. This can occur for a variety of reasons, but if detected, each case must be analyzed to get the most out of each device. 
The ability to robustly configure programs, services or other nuances within industrial systems is called bastioning and allows, among other things, to prevent assets from having a large exposure to the network or the solutions deployed in the system from having vulnerabilities resulting from misconfiguration.
In this article, we will begin by explaining what hardening is and how to apply it to our industrial network, along with some good practices to follow.

Imagen decorativa Avisos
Blog posted on 23/03/2023

En este estudio, se expone brevemente el origen y evolución de la amenaza ransomware LockBit 3.0, a través del análisis de varias muestras maliciosa, con el objetivo de facilitar la información necesaria para poder identificar las características propias de este malware, su comportamiento y técnicas empleadas, permitiendo así una mejor identificación y respuesta ante ella.

Imagen decorativa Avisos
Blog posted on 07/03/2023

Industrial Control Systems (ICS) were initially designed to work in sealed environments and as stand-alone systems, interconnections between systems were scarce, as were safety protections. The constant evolutions in the field of ICS, including the inclusion of a large number of communication protocols, IIoT devices, the expansion of interconnections, an incessant search for interoperability between systems and the inclusion of these architectures in critical systems, has meant that the networks on which these industrial control systems, has meant that the networks on which these industrial control systems are built, also known as control networks, have increased their security exponentially.

Imagen decorativa Avisos
Blog posted on 02/03/2023

Knowing the resources available when performing tasks of hardening a system, will allow us to optimize the time necessary to obtain a safer system. In addition, we have the possibility of using tools capable of auditing the system that identifies those configurations that are considered safe and which ones we could implement.

Imagen decorativa Avisos
Blog posted on 26/01/2023

In the year 2022 and as is reflected in the article “Industrial Security 2022 in numbers”, cyberattacks in all industrial sectors have increased by around 30 % in the third quarter of 2022 and it is estimated that the number of organizations or industrial manufacturers victims of a cyberattack was around 40% in the last year. Especially in the industrial sector, the number of attacks has grown exponentially due to the massive introduction of IoT devices (it is expected to go from 13.5 to 21.5 million connected devices in three years) or more specifically about IIoT devices, which have been the main gateway for attacks as manufacturers have prioritized features and mass-production of devices over the security. In addition, this is compounded by planned obsolescence planned (increasingly present in this type of devices), increased interoperability and connectivity and the appearance of new types of malware and exploits which are much more effective.

Imagen decorativa Avisos
Blog posted on 08/09/2022

Nobelium es la denominación de Microsoft para un grupo de atacantes que, según la atribución llevada a cabo por la Agencia de Seguridad de Infraestructura y Ciberseguridad (CISA) de Estados Unidos, pertenecen al Servicio de Inteligencia Exterior (SRV) de Rusia. Este grupo criminal es conocido por el ataque a la cadena de suministro de SolarWinds, y una campaña masiva de phishing haciéndose pasar por una empresa de desarrollo estadounidense.