Organizations face the constant challenge of adopting new security strategies, such as the Zero Trust model, which operates under the premise of "never trust, always verify." This change is crucial especially in cloud environments, where identity and resource access management is more complex. In particular, the Secure Web Gateway (SWG) is a key system, which focuses on controlling user access to the web, protecting against web-based threats, and enforcing security policies. It acts as an intermediary between users and the internet, filtering and inspecting web traffic to ensure it meets the organization's security requirements.
However, implementing and managing SWGs presents significant challenges, such as integration with existing infrastructures, managing complexity, and scalability. These challenges require meticulous attention to ensure effective and efficient protection in the changing cybersecurity landscape. This article explores the purpose and function of SWGs, as well as their architecture, their ability to protect against cyber threats, and best practices for their implementation.

In the field of cybersecurity, CASB systems play a crucial role in providing an additional layer of protection for cloud applications. This approach prevents threats, detects malware, and ensures privacy in a digital environment, thereby addressing the growing need for data protection.
This article explores how CASB systems work, their key applications, and their benefits in terms of security and privacy, ensuring that applications operate by protecting data in cloud environments and maintaining fine-grained control over cloud operations. From vendor assessment to malicious behavior detection, its versatility extends, offering benefits such as risk mitigation and improved cloud security.

OSINT (Open-Source Intelligence) is a technique that focuses on the collection, evaluation and analysis of public information through different methods and techniques, with the objective of discovering vulnerabilities or collecting sensitive information that could become threats.
It should be emphasized that the data collection is not called OSINT, it would be raw information. Once this information is evaluated and treated, it could be said that we are really talking about open-source intelligence (OSINT).
Initially it has been used in the military and government sector. Its use in OT, with disciplines such as SIGINT (Signals Intelligence), IMINT (Imagery Intelligence) or even 'Sock Puppets' (fake profiles or intruders in technical forums) is making havoc due to the criticality of this equipment. Disinformation or the compilation of sensitive industrial technical information are some of the serious consequences that this sector is exposed to.

Knowing the resources available when performing tasks of hardening a system, will allow us to optimize the time necessary to obtain a safer system. In addition, we have the possibility of using tools capable of auditing the system that identifies those configurations that are considered safe and which ones we could implement.

Es tanta la información que se encuentra actualmente accesible para los usuarios en Internet, que aquella ofrecida por ciertas páginas web o aplicaciones en tiempo real puede resultar de especial preocupación en cuanto a su confidencialidad para ciertos sectores, dado que podría ser utilizada con fines malintencionados.