National Police Inspector, Head of Group of the Analysis of Encrypted Platforms Section.

Santiago Anton Guyomard

Born in Salamanca in 1986, he studied journalism at the Complutense University of Madrid. He was sworn in as a National Police Inspector in 2021, has been second in Group at the UCRIF of the Alien Brigade of the Provincial Police Station of Tenerife, Head of Press of the Provincial Police Station of Tenerife, second in Group of the Section of Analysis of Encrypted Platforms in the Central UDYCO, of which he has been Head of Group since April 2024.


Penetration Tester en Accenture & Security Researcher en Synack Red Team

Sergio López Alcázar

Professional and passionate about cybersecurity, specialized in the offensive area. Holder of certifications such as OSEP, OSWE, CRTO and eCPPT, and student of a Double Degree. He works as Penetration Tester at Accenture and searches for vulnerabilities at Synack Red Team. Developer of malware and pentesting applications, he has created a custom Command and Control using social networks, custom Reverse Shells, several tools using APIs, GUI and CLI applications, shellcode encryptors, among other projects.