Keys to implementing the new vehicle cybersecurity regulations R155 and R156

The intention of this article is to present compliance tips and to help understand the new regulation issued by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) regarding cybersecurity in vehicles.
This regulation consists of two regulations, R155 and R156, which stipulate the cybersecurity requirements that manufacturers must meet in order to qualify for type-approval of vehicles to be circulated in European Union countries.
In this article we present a theoretical use case to describe what the application of these standards would imply for a generic manufacturer throughout its production process.
Design stage
Due to the stiff competition in the industry and the costs of operating competitive vehicle factories, most of the manufacturers in business today are large multinational companies. It is common for these types of companies to have an advanced level of cybersecurity maturity as a starting point for addressing the new regulation.
Regulations R155 and R156 establish two vehicle cybersecurity approvals, one for the cybersecurity management system and one for the update distribution and application system.
The new regulation stipulates that cybersecurity decisions must be based on proper risk management. The scope of this management must extend from the vehicle to the external servers that interact with it for its operation.
For example, assuming a theoretical case where the following elements are identified as being within the scope of approval:
System | Criticaly | Dependencies | Connections | Development and manufacturing |
Central control | Critical | N/A | Own server | Internal |
Speed and brakes | Critical | Central control | Central control | Internal, with parts from suppliers |
Engine cooling | High | Central control | Central control | Provided by third parties |
Passenger cooling | Medium | Central control | Central control | Provided by third parties |
Radio and multimedia | Low | Central control and external server | External server | Provied by third parties |
- Example of riks analysis conclusions (simplified) -
During the risk analysis, the possible effect of the threats listed in Annex 5 of R155 on these systems is studied. Especially on those identified as critical for the vehicle functionality.
Threat | Impact | Probability |
Back-end servers used as a vehicle attack vector |
Manipulation of vehicle data or code |
Breach of data security during transmission |
Physical manipulation of systems to facilitate an attack |
- Example of a Threat Impact Study (simplified) -
Regulation R155 also requires defining the mitigation measures applied for these threats. To this end, it provides relevant measures to minimize the impact of a potential incident. However, the mitigation measures of the regulation are quite general, leaving their interpretation in the hands of each manufacturer.
Threat | Mitigation measures | Possible applications |
Back-end servers used as a vehicle attack vector. | M1: Controls to minimize internal attack risks. |
M2: Controls on back-end servers to minimize unauthorized access. |
| |
M8: Restrict access to critical data to unauthorized personnel. |
| |
Manipulation of vehicle data or code. | M7: Access control designs and techniques. |
M14: Measures to protect systems against viruses or malicious software. |
| |
M18: The principle of least privilege access shall be applied. |
| |
Breach of data security during transmission. | M8: System design and access control will protect against unauthorized access to critical system data. |
M12: Confidential data shall be protected during transmission. |
| |
Physical manipulation of systems to facilitate an attack. | M9: Measures shall be employed to prevent and detect unauthorized access. |
- Example of a mitigation measures study (simplified) -
In order to obtain approval, it is also necessary for the manufacturer to provide information on the security procedures to be followed during post-production:
Process | Keys to be defined in the procedure |
Incident monitoring and management in the vehicle |
Secure software execution |
Secure vehicle update |
- Keys to be addressed in the new vehicle safety procedures (simplified) -
The risk analysis can also be used to define the security requirements to be met by suppliers. In general, manufacturers rely on several suppliers for different vehicle systems, mainly taking care of the assembly, engine, chassis and model-specific elements and parts too specialized or expensive to be produced externally. Although the new regulation does not stipulate specific requirements for suppliers, it does hold manufacturers responsible for cybersecurity in their supply chain.
Therefore, it is recommended to use the conclusions of the risk analysis as a source of information when defining general cybersecurity requirements for your suppliers and specific requirements for specific equipment and services.
As can be seen, performing systematic cybersecurity management from the beginning of the project allows you to meet regulatory requirements organically. Therefore, close collaboration between the design and cybersecurity teams is recommended since all compatibility issues and configuration failures that are solved at the design stage will facilitate the following stages of the process.
Production phase
First, during the production phase, the manufacturer should follow general industrial cybersecurity procedures and good practices for medium and large companies (monitoring procedures, access management, resilience, etc.).
At the level of specific actions for the R155 regulation, the need to add verification tests of the mitigation measures in the production process stands out.
The performance of all mitigation measures should be verified through technical tests, the results should be recorded and provided at the time of application for approval.
It is also the right time to collect the other information necessary for the approval process:
- For R155:
- Systems included in the vehicle, their components and how they interact with each other.
- Interfaces and external connections of the vehicle systems.
- Results of the risk assessment and the risks identified.
- Mitigation measures implemented.
- Specific safe environments for running software on the vehicle.
- Documentation of the technical tests performed to verify the operation of the mitigation measures and their outcome.
- Cybersecurity considerations with respect to the supply chain.
- For R156:
- Drawings of the vehicle and its systems.
- Safe update procedures to be followed. To be included, how the user will be notified of the update, and the progress of the update process, in case of wireless updates.
- Security measures for the protection of vehicle systems and RXSWIN identifiers.
For this purpose, it is advisable to use centralization and information management tools.
It is also advisable to centralize cybersecurity communications in a specific person or team. Having a defined point of contact for the teams to go to in order to resolve doubts during the design and production phases is a very useful tool to reduce the resources spent on communications or duplication of work.
It is also important to establish collaborative relationships with suppliers. In such specialized industrial environments, it is common to have a high technical dependence on suppliers. Establishing collaborative relationships with them and defining cybersecurity responsibilities reduces the workload for both parties while increasing the effectiveness of the relationship and the cybersecurity of the systems.
Post-production phase
There are two different stages in the vehicle post-production phase:
- Vehicle lifetime: the manufacturer maintains cybersecurity responsibilities during the lifetime of the vehicle. During this stage, two main objectives must be met:
- Maintain the cybersecurity of the monitored vehicle without compromising user confidentiality.
The manufacturer must keep its vehicles identified during their useful life. Not only at a statistical level, but also to know the specific vehicles and, at least, which software and hardware version each one has.
In addition, vehicle security measures should collect and analyze reports of system activity to enable detection of possible attacks.
The regulation stresses the importance of ensuring user privacy. New cybersecurity monitoring measures that are introduced should not conflict with this objective. They must also help to ensure that the information that needs to be collected is handled securely, and that the confidentiality of the data is ensured. - Monitor and manage cybersecurity vulnerabilities and provide security updates.
The regulation does not explicitly require local in-vehicle vulnerability detection and management services. Therefore, it would be advisable to implement the procedure externally at the supplier's facilities, relying on the in-use vehicle inventory.
Special attention should be devoted to the verification and delivery of updates. In particular, the distribution of vulnerabilities in vehicles in use represents a new challenge for many manufacturers, with new risks, such as rendering a vehicle unusable when it is to be used or already in operation.
The simplest option, and used so far in some models, is to update only in specialized workshops. But this model is too expensive for regular security updates. However, before providing updates directly to vehicles or users, without going through a workshop, integrity verification, source authentication, update testing and rollback capability should be in place. And all this with processes that inform and can be used by the average user. - Retirement and reuse: Given the longevity of cars, it is important that manufacturers define a process for users to follow when ownership of the car changes hands. Unlike regular ICS equipment, it is common for a vehicle to change user or owner several times during its lifetime, either through the second-hand market or through vehicle leasing.
In these cases, it is necessary to delete, or separate, the data of different users to maintain their privacy. Also, it should be possible to inform new users of the use of the vehicle's cybersecurity measures and process.
A similar process should be in place when the vehicle is to be decommissioned. The manufacturer must know if the vehicle's local equipment stores sensitive user information and, if so, ensure its destruction when the vehicle is retired.
- Maintain the cybersecurity of the monitored vehicle without compromising user confidentiality.
The new regulations R155, relating to the vehicle cybersecurity management system, and R156, relating to the vehicle software update system, introduce a vehicle cybersecurity approval system for manufacturers.
These new requirements do not differ too much from the usual requirements to be met by industrial control systems as they include vulnerability management, risk management and verification of security measures, among others. However, the characteristics of working with mobile consumer goods make their application considerably more difficult.
It is considered necessary for the manufacturer to adopt an overall vision of its production and maintenance process in order to achieve both approvals correctly. If the homologation process is approached from the beginning of the design and is worked in a systematic, coordinated and collaborative way with the interested parties, the manufacturer will be able to take advantage of opportunities to make the process more effective and efficient.
inally, although mentioned throughout the article, it is worth noting that a high cybersecurity maturity level is considered a good foundation (if not an essential requirement) to be able to address the new R155 and R156 requirements. Not having the necessary cybersecurity procedures and measures in place for the organization can significantly hinder compliance with the new requirements and, in the worst case, introduce unknown cybersecurity vulnerabilities during the process.