Segmentados Investigación y Análisis

Contenido Segmentados Investigación y Análisis

En esta sección se ofrecen contenidos de interés para los profesionales que participan en la investigación de vulnerabilidades, análisis de amenazas y eventos de ciberseguridad, forense digital, hacking ético o pentesting, investigador del fraude o analista de ciberinteligencia.

Study of tools for recognition activity

Posted on 07/09/2023, by
Introduction to the study of recognition tools blog image
With this study, we seek to offer a deep knowledge about the reconnaissance activity in cybersecurity, so that professionals from different fields can consider these tactics as an integral part of their security strategies. This study also aims to increase general understanding of these techniques and how they can be used to effectively protect information and systems. 

The challenges of upgrades in industrial environments

Posted on 24/08/2023, by
Portada Antimalware en SCI
The increase of malware specifically designed to run on systems that support industrial processes creates a need in the industry that can be partly covered by different technological solutions. This article will focus on the different options available on the market to detect malicious files that aim to modify the operation of industrial environments or simply cause denials of service.Both portable and agent-deployed solutions can be an option, and this article will reflect on these and other options as well as provide guidelines on when it is best to use one solution or the other.

Secure configurations in industrial devices

Posted on 10/08/2023, by
Secure configurations in industrial devices Blog cover
Within the industrial world, systems can be detected that do not have all their cybersecurity capabilities activated. This can occur for a variety of reasons, but if detected, each case must be analyzed to get the most out of each device. The ability to robustly configure programs, services or other nuances within industrial systems is called bastioning and allows, among other things, to prevent assets from having a large exposure to the network or the solutions deployed in the system from having vulnerabilities resulting from misconfiguration.In this article, we will begin by explaining what hardening is and how to apply it to our industrial network, along with some good practices to follow.

Maze, Egregor and Sekhmet: response and recovery actions

Posted on 03/08/2023, by
Decorative image with skull and red background
The history of cybersecurity is marked by names that have left an indelible mark on the field of digital threats. Among them, Maze, Egregor and Sekhmet stand out as notable ransomware variants, whose similarities go beyond mere coincidence. In this article, we will unravel the tactics these ransomwares employed,  the encryption mechanisms they used, and the evasion and propagation strategies they employed. The review of these malware will offer us a deeper insight into the persistent threat of ransomware, as well as the importance and need to strengthen our cybersecurity posture.

Purple Team increases the effectiveness of the Red Team and Blue Team in SCI

Posted on 27/07/2023, by
All about Purple Team increases the effectiveness of the Red Team and the Blue Team in SCI
The Purple Teams are exercises in which three very well differentiated teams participate: a Red Team, a Blue Team and a Purple Team. The Red Team will be in charge of carrying out attacks on the defined structure, the Blue Team will be the team in charge of defending that structure and the inclusion of the Purple Team allows the two previous teams to communicate with each other and be organized correctly thanks to the work of the purple team. This is why the Purple Teams allow a great number of advantages to be obtained with respect to carrying out the exercises separately and without coordination between them.This article presents all these advantages and much more about Purple Teams.

"Good practices for the recovery of industrial systems (II)”

Posted on 20/07/2023, by
Decorative image notebook with headlines emergency, response and plan
When a security incident occurs in an ICS (Industrial Control System), depending on the severity of the incident, it can generate a serious problem, both at a productive and economic level, as well as in the security of the people working in the industrial system.Therefore, in this article following the one entitled "Good practices for the recovery of industrial systems (I)", response plans will be discussed from a point of view oriented to current regulations, as well as their applications and necessity in critical industrial environments, such as the energy sector. 

Good practices for the recovery of industrial systems(I)

Posted on 13/07/2023, by
Good practices for the recovery of industrial systems(I) decorative image
When a security incident occurs in an ICS (Industrial Control System), depending on its severity, it can generate a serious problem, both at a productive and economic level, as well as in the security of the people working in the industrial system.Therefore, in this first article of a series on this subject, we will explain precisely the recovery plans, some general guidelines for their development and some conclusions on the use and applicability of these plans.

Ragnarok: response and recovery actions

Posted on 06/07/2023, by
Decorative image Using recovery tools and processes: ragnarok
At the end of 2019, the Ragnarok (or Asnarok) ransomware appeared leaving a trail of digital victims in its path. The malware not only encrypted the files and demanded a ransom, but also threatened to erase and publish the stolen data. This article offers an in-depth look at Ragnarok, from its design and motivation to its methods of infection and spread. In addition, it provides different methods of response and disinfection.

IDS solutions in industrial environments

Posted on 22/06/2023, by
Decorative image IDS solutions
IDSs are passive elements that are in our network to ensure its security, but what would happen if all our communications were encrypted, or would this protection measure be enough to ensure that my network is protected? These questions and more will be discussed in the following article to provide solutions and advice focused on industrial environments.

Physical interfaces and their security issues

Posted on 08/06/2023, by
Decorative image Physical interfaces and their security issues
A high percentage of devices developed for the industrial world have physical interfaces that allow secondary communications to be established. These communications allow the execution of important tasks such as the management of the devices themselves or changing the way they interact with industrial processes. Although in most cases it is necessary to have physical access to the device in order to use these interfaces, manipulation of the device through these interfaces allows attackers to manipulate the operation of the system without leaving any trace if there are no mechanisms to protect the asset from hardware hacking.This article aims to show the most widespread physical interfaces in industrial devices and embedded systems in general. On the other hand, we want to show some attacks executed throughout history in the industrial world. These attacks, thanks to the physical manipulation of a device, have allowed attackers to achieve a great impact on the targeted industrial process

LockerGoga: response and recovery actions

Posted on 01/06/2023, by
Cover image LockerGoga: response and recovery actions
LockerGoga is  a ransomware-type malware, first discovered in 2019, that infects computer systems, encrypts your files, and demands a ransom in cryptocurrencies in order to recover them. Unlike others, LockerGoga focuses on attacking businesses and government organizations. This article describes what it is and explains the relevant methods to respond to this threat

The vulnerability life cycle in an industrial environment

Posted on 18/05/2023, by
The vulnerability life cycle in an industrial environment
A growing number of industrial companies are adopting vulnerability management on their devices and systems, in order to perform this management in a correct and efficient way, the first step is to create an asset inventory or update it. Some companies are looking for vulnerability management services to stay on top of the latest cybersecurity issues affecting their assets. In addition, we are also noticing an increase in the availability of tools and their implementation for vulnerability management.