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Blog posted on 28/05/2020

Exfiltration of data, or information leakage, poses a threat to all companies throughout the world. It is important to know the possible ways information can get out to control them and avoid a loss of information in our organisation. Since in industry the most important factor is availability, this threat has to be put into perspective.

Imagen decorativa Avisos
Blog posted on 30/04/2020

Sodinokibi uses the RaaS (Ramsonware as a Service) model, which favours its rapid spread. In this article we present some lines of action that should be followed in the case of having been a victim of this sophisticated malware or if it is suspected that it could have infected our systems.

Imagen decorativa Avisos
Blog posted on 28/04/2020

The latest version of the “Spanish National Guidelines for Reporting and Managing Cyber Incidents”, has been updated. In addition to this update, INCIBE-CERT has published the Appendix “Managing cyber incidents in the private sector”

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Blog posted on 08/04/2020

In the last few days there have been various reports, both nationally and internationally, of a ransomware campaign called NetWalker, also known as Mailto or Koko, which appears to target healthcare centers, taking advantage of the current state of alarm declared as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Blog posted on 06/04/2020

The ransomware attacks have experienced a great evolution from its beginnings, being able to identify a great amount of different families at the present time, many of them are highly sophisticated, with high propagation and persistence. In this blog we explain what is Sodinokibi and how it works.

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Blog posted on 30/03/2020

In this article, we review virtual private networks, or VPNs, one of the most important measures for teleworking, as they allow a connection to the organization through secure networks, and the advantages they offer, as well as additional security recommendations to help ensure cyber security.

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Blog posted on 22/08/2019

The union of the IT and OT worlds is unstoppable, which means that the cybersecurity strategy, traditionally focused on the IT field, must now include aspects related to the industrial world. Having a good cybersecurity strategy is essential for IC systems to survive in this new era.

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Blog posted on 11/07/2019

Trips across the ocean have changed over the years with the arrival of the industrial revolution and information technology, among other things, making technology its best ally, both to automate their navigation and to control their location from land-based stations. However, this total dependence on technology brings with it important security issues that need to be addressed with the importance they deserve.