Imagen decorativa Avisos
Blog posted on 04/07/2019

Security breaches that put our privacy at risk, leaks of our data, passwords... are incidents that happen more and more often. Protecting ourselves from these information leaks is often beyond our reach, but this does not mean that we should not try to take measures to protect our data. DNS-over-TLS can be very helpful in encrypting our communications, making them much more secure.

Imagen decorativa Avisos
Blog posted on 21/06/2018

The defence in depth and, especially, the definition of Zones and Conduits is a subject considered by many experts as a "theoretical" matter. However, with the help of this article, the user will understand its applicability by explaining the keys to approach the creation of Zones and Conduits, as well as the elements that come into play.

Imagen decorativa Avisos
Blog posted on 14/06/2018

Honeypots and their implementation in a network, known as a honeynet, are a powerful tool for defending your system and safely monitoring the attacks carried out against it. In this article we will detail what honeypots are, their implementation in OT environments, the advantages and disadvantages of their implementation in the system and the latest honeypots developed for industrial control systems.

Imagen decorativa Avisos
Blog posted on 07/06/2018

Not only is the interpretation of network traffic crucial to analyse the safety and performance of a network structure, but also for other tasks, such as incident management, the optimisation of our network infrastructure or for didactic purposes. In order to do so, it is necessary to have dissectors that help separate each of the fields that make up a protocol, and allow them to be individually analysed.

Imagen decorativa Avisos
Blog posted on 31/05/2018

From the point of view of cybersecurity, access to automation and industrial control systems is one of the most critical control points and that's why special care must be taken when it comes to applying access security and fortification policies. On occasions, it is necessary to carry out remote tasks such as, for example, maintenance, upgrading or device or application management work. Thus, external personnel outside our company may perform said tasks, including manufacturers, wholesalers or providers of services, making it necessary to protect these accesses from potential threats.