
The SIC-SPAIN 2.0 project offers three cybersecurity services for the safe use of the Internet by minors:

  • Awareness centre: both INCIBE and the other consortium partners carry out different actions to raise awareness on the safe use of technology by children, young people, parents, educators and other professionals in the field.
  • Helpline: INCIBE offers companies, citizens, parents, minors and educators the service 'Your help in cybersecurity', where they can make queries through a web form and a free helpline: 017, and the instant messaging applications WhatsApp and Telegram. It also offers a FAQ section where you can find answers to the main questions about the safety of children and young people on the Internet.
  • CSAM reporting channel: INCIBE provides citizens with a Child Sexual Abuse Content Reporting Form (CSAM) to facilitate its removal, in the framework of its actions as a member of the international INHOPE hotline network, and in cooperation with the competent Spanish law enforcement authorities.

Main results Project indicators More details

Main results

For more information, see more details.

Project indicators

Access to infographic with project indicators

Further details

National cooperation and contribution to European networks

The Spanish SIC has worked to consolidate national and international cooperation in different fields, under the umbrella of thee online promotion of cybersecurity and safety for children.

To this end, it has participated in several working groups at national level to distribute the lines of action of the Spanish SIC.

Secondly, relations with third parties have been strengthened to further improve national coordination and to identify challenges, good practices, protection needs and opportunities for children online.

At European level, it is a member of the INSAFE and INHOPE networks and participates in their initiatives. It participated in the Safe Internet Forum 2021 and contributes with reports to the platform's central services (BIK portal), awareness, Helpline and Hotline.

In conjunction with the National Institute of Educational Technologies and Teacher Training (INTEF), dependent on the Ministry of Education, and advisory member of the project, and under the collaboration established with EduPad and the European network of educational centres (EU Schoolnet), the initiative The School of Social Networks has been developed in Spain. Two workshops were held here, in which more than 23,000 students participated.

Awareness-raising campaigns and materials

  • Internet Segura for Kids (IS4K) Portal

    The Spanish SIC has a portal ( where all the centre's awareness-raising resources can be found. Among the activities of this project is the development and maintenance of the portal. In addition, the content has been made accessible to encourage inclusion, while Google Analytics has been used to improve the content we offer by telling us what strategy we should employ to accommodate our users' tastes and interests to focus on.

    On the other hand, the 017 Helpline has been involved in providing feedback on trends in risk situations with the highest incidence in 2021 and new demands for content development.

    Visit is4k portal

  • Awareness-raising and training campaigns for educators

    The activity of the Spanish SIC has concentrated on continuing the main lines of action, offering educational support to the community. The aim was not only to support educators but also families and children. It points to a long-term scenario with flexible formulas to maintain awareness.

    In addition, INCIBE has been working on new areas of educational work, such as coexistence in a virtual environment, the acquisition of digital skills linked to cybersecurity and protection.

    Finally, data protection and educational agencies have collaborated to adapt to the needs of educators both in an agile way (webinars and online workshops) and with massive online courses.

    See campaigns on is4k

  • Awareness-raising and training campaign on digital gender-based violence

    Fundación Cibervoluntarios has implemented this awareness-raising campaign through the Stop, Think, Get Connected” programme against digital gender-based violence, which has managed to reach one million people.

    To this end, 93 cyber-volunteers have been trained to provide support in the different awareness-raising activities, for which materials and resources have been designed and created and which have been used in different campaigns aimed at educational centres and the social networks most used by young people, reaching 2,000 centres and 530,000 people respectively.

  • Campaign Educating as a Family through Example in the Good Use of Mobile Phones.

    Fundación MAPFRE, Twitter and PantallasAmigas, within the framework of the SIC-SPAIN 2.0 project, are promoting this campaign of good practices to educate as a family, where mothers and fathers should be aware of the need and opportunity to use good example as an educational strategy to promote positive habits in the use of smartphones.

    The result has been a series of audiovisual materials (posters, cartoons, videos, etc.) which, thanks to their dissemination, have reached 1,373,000 views.

    Campaign“Educating as a Family through Example in the Good Use of Mobile Phones”

  • Awareness-raising campaigns for young people

    Fundación Aprender a Mirar (FAAM) has developed and executed awareness-raising campaigns and competitions on emerging platforms popular among young people, addressing key youth issues such as online hypersexualisation, challenge generation,…

    Also on this theme, FAAM organised the XXVI “Zapping”awards with a special distinction for the best online content for minors.

    In total, social media outreach has achieved between 300 and 500 thousand impacts on Twitter, with 868 new followers. Among the campaigns we can find:

    • #LiveYourRealLife campaign: the main objective of the campaign is the prevention of technological addictions among young people.
    • #ShesAPerson campaign: the main objective of the campaign is to promote women's leadership, gender equality and rights in the digital space, while denouncing and fighting discrimination, abuse and misrepresentation of women in the media.
    • Age verification policy campaign: channelled via the OsOigo platform, in April 2021, FAAM submitted a question to the European Parliament on the implementation of age verification policies to prevent minors from accessing restricted online spaces.
    • Specific awareness-raising campaigns for schools, including the new (techno)logical consumption school competition.
  • Online content for parents on the latest trends and technology education

    Empantallados has published content related to digital education, targeting parents with children under the age of 18.

    27 articles have been published in with countless adaptations on social networks during the school year. Even during the school holidays, content has been published in special formats to promote screen-free time. In total, 175,000 web visits and 37,197 followers on social networks have been achieved.

    See articles on

    Based on scientific evidence, one of the most important factors in reducing children's online risks is for parents to share moments of conversation about Internet use. To facilitate this task, Empantallados has produced 9 guides with practical resources. These newsletters have had 14,207 families and educational institutions subscribe to them.

    Estos boletines informativos han tenido 14.207 familias e instituciones educativas suscritas.

    Parents want to know the opinion of experts and podcasts have become an appropriate tool to reach and teach parents. During this period, 13 interviews have been carried out in addition to the 9 interviews carried out previously, totalling more than 13,000 plays on Spotify.

    Cartel Promocional de entrevistas a expertos

Awareness-raising tools

  • White paper on responsible influence

    ICmedia presented this book on 30 November 2021, at the ISEM headquarters in Madrid and together with the Andalusian Audiovisual COuncil in Sevilla and Málaga. The White paper on responsible influence aanalyses the keys to strengthening the credibility and transparency of the sector of content creators and influencers that is growing globally and is successful among young people. This study takes a further step in contributing to the creation of a more transparent, trustworthy and accountable influencing environment and proposes, among other things, a decalogue with specific measures. In addition, at both presentations, a round table discussion was organised with various influencers to discuss responsible influencing in social media.The study was presented on Informe Semanal, which together with URJC managed to position itself third in audience share (8.9%, 1,222,000 viewers)

    Libro blanco de influencia responsable

  • Proposal for co-regulation of the online content labelling system

    Asociación de Usuarios de la Comunicación (AUC) has carried out an analysis of content rating systems in different EU countries and in others such as the USA, Canada, Mexico, Australia, among others, up to a total of 27. This study has been carried out in depth, always trying to take into account the following parameters:

    • The legal framework for rating and labelling audiovisual content.
    • The scope of the system: television, cinema, internet, video games.
    • The qualification and labelling criteria.
    • Where appropriate, the signage / pictograms used.
    • The rating and labelling enforcement system: rating agents, managers, recipients.
    • Channels for mediation and resolution of complaints and conflicts.

    For the analysis, in-depth interviews were conducted with specific groups and different stakeholders. Forms have also been pre-designed for self-labelling by both content generators and users, as well as a rating guide.

    The report of the analysis is published on thewebsite, which was visited 112,292 times.

    Ejemplo de matriz del sistema de etiquetado

  • Good practice certification model

    Fundación Aprender a Mirar (FAAM) started to develop a PDA digital certification model for the certification of good practices in the safe use of screens, aimed at all educational projects that include digital environments in their programmes. In this initial phase we worked on defining indicators, exploring needs and carrying out tests with experts.

    FAAM has also developed various tools and resources to promote good practices for the safe use of screens, critical thinking and risk prevention in the digital space.

    These tools are distributed through posts on the website as well as on social media and through newsletters and digital publications (monthly magazine) with 400,000 readers.

    Resource bank PDA Bullying

  • Health and nutrition, good practices in digital communication

    URJC has carried out a study on YouTube videos, where the main actors are children under 13 years of age, the final sample being a set of 20 channels selected both nationally and internationally. The promotion of healthy food, drinks or habits has been scored against a number of metrics collected between 1 July and 30 September 2021, the most representative of which are the number of visits or 'likes'.

    Of the 20 channels surveyed, 14 are in Spanish and 6 in English, and a total of 610 videos featuring food or drink were reviewed.

    The following tools have been developed:

    Good practice guide. Child influencers and foodGood practice guide. Child influencers and food

  • Video game - Action against disinformation

    Information Disorder is an educational-playful project conceived and developed by PantallasAmigas with the support of Twitter.

    It is a tool to raise awareness and train to develop critical thinking and facilitate decision-making while disseminating information and combating misinformation.

    El diseño está inspirado en los juegos de plataformas y arcade, en los que el jugador debe completar 6 escenarios o niveles evitando obstáculos, recogiendo objetos y respondiendo a diversas preguntas temáticas. El jugador puede configurar varias opciones y elegir entre tres niveles de dificultad. El videojuego recoge las estadísticas y el tiempo de juego, lo que permite la autoevaluación en cualquier momento de la partida.

    The design is inspired by platform and arcade games, in which the player must complete 6 scenarios or levels by avoiding obstacles, collecting items and answering various themed questions. The player can set various options and choose between three levels of difficulty. The video game collects statistics and playing time, allowing self-evaluation at any time during the game. The game is accompanied by its website with a didactic guide, contents and proposals so that it can be disseminated among educators and parents.More information on the game.

    So far, 640 students from 8 schools have used it.

    Information Disorder

  • White paper on digital citizenship in childhood

    UCM has drafted a white paper to provide the community with the results of completed studies by December 2021. In particular, it is based on the study The use of technology at school: children's views on the challenges of digital education. Although most of the fieldwork was carried out in Spain, the study is applicable to other countries and regions.

    The central section of the book presents the key issues, challenges and observations on digital education. The white paper concludes with an extensive set of specific observations on digital education, a total of 77, which may provoke debate and reflection.

Training and awareness-raising programmes

  • School days for safe and responsible use of the internet

    From the beginning of the 2020-21 academic year, this training programme includes an online format and aims to improve the digital skills of students - from 2nd year Primary Education to 2nd year Secondary Education - and teachers in order to make safe and responsible use of the Internet.

    Some of the topics to be addressed (which each centre can choose) are respect for others and social skills for coexistence on the Internet, responsibility and a critical spirit to contrast information and contacts on social networks, protection of online devices and services and prevention of sexual abuse of minors on the Internet.

    Specifically, teachers review concepts on security and responsible use of ICTs, receive training to raise awareness on the use of the Internet and guide students on different safety issues, applying different practical teaching unitsin the classroom, as well as the rest of the teaching resources, services and programmes of Internet Segura for Kids.

    Throughout the project, 572 workshops have been held, in which 36,195 students and 4,813 families and educators have participated. The edition for the 2021-2022 academic year is currently being prepared.

    More information about School days

  • “Kids Centric IMPACT” Programme

    Gaptain has implemented Kids centric universe 360º in 11 educational centres of the Regional Ministry of Education of Madrid. This innovative platform implements a comprehensive digital literacy programme (students-teachers-families) to create a culture of cybersecurity throughout the educational environment.

    The programme uses video games to find out about digital habits and the way students interact with each other. With this information, an artificial intelligence module identifies digital risks, and generates the didactic unit 'Prevention and Digital Competence' for that classroom, which contains audiovisual content for the students and reinforcement activities for the teacher.

    In parallel, families receive training to bridge the gap and learn about and prevent digital risks; and teachers learn to identify risks and make safe use of educational technology. More information about Kids Centric.

    Kids centric universe

  • Digital programme against gender-based violence

    EThis programme of Fundación Cibervoluntarios is complementary to theAwareness-raising and training campaign on digital gender-based violence of the Programme Stop, Think, Connect, against digital gender-based violence for which methodologies and training materials have been created. Likewise, a training campaign has been implemented in educational centres, 3,144 adolescents aged 10 to 17 and 152 teachers have been trained in some 152 talks and workshops, with a target success rate of 126%.

    Conéctate contra la violencia de género en la red. Solicita formación online y gratuita para tu centro educativo.

  • Audiovisual Education Programme

    Fundación Aprender a Mirar (FAAM) has developed training sessions and workshops for students, parents and educators with the aim of promoting good digital practices and preventing technological addiction, cyberbullying or online hypersexualisation. To this end, FAAM has implemented an Audiovisual Education Programme to increase media and social literacy online, which has reached 3,365 children and 6,298 adults. This programme has been accompanied by “Guay-fi”, offering tools and resources to teachers and families dealing with children aged 3-6 on the responsible consumption of screens, which has benefited 13 educational centres and 1,320 families. These programmes have relied on events and institutional relations to achieve these milestones.

    Cerebro, pantallas y emociones. Rafa Guerrero director de Darwin Psicólogos

  • UCM forums on digital rights and adolescence

    UCM organised three academic forums on the situation of digital rights in childhood, in which adults, children and adolescents participated.

    Due to the restrictions imposed by Covid-19, all forums were held online, and were organised between October and November 2021.

    Promotional poster for one of the Forums

Youth Panel

INCIBE has coordinated the Youth Panel, initiative with the intention of showcasing the participation of young Spaniards in the INSAFE European network, seeking to create positive opportunities to participate and share their experiences and proposals in cybersecurity and online safety. To achieve this, INCIBE has collaborated with Plataforma de Infancia.

The activity panel has been implemented in Cibercorresponsales, a social network for adolescents aged 12-17, and is managed by Plataforma de Infancia. It is a safe space where they can express themselves and speak for themselves in pursuit of their own interests. Users must maintain a certain level of participation and belong to one of the participation groups that are managed by educators (who are not part of Cibercorresponsales) who are also responsible for motivating participation among users in their groups.

The extension of the project duration allowed for the dissemination of the actions implemented in 2021 and the preparation of reports. It also allowed for the implementation of more activities, as they did not involve any additional costs other than staff costs.

The panel's activities include:

  • Participation activities for young people
  • Educator training workshops
  • Adapting a study to a children's format

The panel has had an estimated audience of over 2,000 participants, of which at least 900 are young people. It has also benefited 196 organisations and trained 29 educators.

Participation activities for young people include:

  • Meetings between cibercorresponsales organised by Plataforma de Infancia

    Plataforma de Infancia held on 30 March 2021 the "I Virtual Meeting: Unlocking Artificial Intelligence" about Artificial Intelligence and how it affects children's rights. The children's ideas have been received and taken into account by the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission in its participatory research "AI technology and children's rights".

    Plataforma de Infancia organised the “Cibercorresponsales traning day” on 23 September 2021 aimed at people working or volunteering in the field of children and youth. It introduced the Cibercorresponsales initiative to those who did not know it or did not have groups in it. In the following sessions, training will be offered both for beginners (unregistered individuals and groups) and for those returning to the network (active educational teams).

    From 15 to 17 October 2021, Cibercorresponsales is calling its participants for the most eagerly awaited event, the "10th State Meeting of Cibercorresponsales". Two and a half years after the last in-person meeting (the ninth was held online in 2020), this time it takes place in a face-to-face format in Rascafría (Madrid). In this edition, and under the slogan "Ten years, thousands of stories and a reunion to celebrate", the participants reflect and make proposals related to the right to health, psychological well-being and "being well" and on its fulfilment in the pandemic we are living through.

    On 26 and 28 November 2021, Plataforma de Infancia held the “La Pinza” meeting so that the young panellists could meet in person and learn news about the SIC-SPAIN 2.0 project, start collaborations with initiatives such as Hateblockers, begin planning for next year and reflect on how to improve the dynamics of the group itself to make its capacities and impact stronger.

    I ENCUENTRO VIRTUAL 2021 DESRIPANDO LA INTELIGENCIA ARTIFICIAL 10º Encuentro Estatal de Cibercorresponsales 3º Encuentro La Pinza

  • “My Online Rights" youth consultation

    In 2020, La Pinza of Cibercorresponsales launched a consultation with young people on their online rights, in which more than 400 boys and girls between 12 and 17 years of age from different parts of the country took part. In this consultation, their views on the right to participation, the right to receive information, the right to non-discrimination and education, among others, are made known.

    They had the opportunity to contribute proposals from which, together with their opinions, it is concluded that it is necessary to continue working to ensure that their rights are fully complied with in the digital environment. Discover the full results of the consultation.

    Consulta a los jóvenes


The 017 helpline service is aimed at providing advice and support to children, young people, families, educators and childcare professionals on the safe and responsible use of the Internet by minors.

  • The 017 helpline started operating on 7 February 2017, and during the SIC-SPAIN2.0 project it has had a 12x7 public service (12 hours a day, 365 days a year) allowing communication by various means (telephone, email, web form). In 2021, two new channels have been added, via instant messaging (Telegram and WhatsApp Business). All of them offer psychological and technical assistance, although due to the speciality required, teams have been divided into 2 levels, one for immediate attention and the other for in-depth actions and technical issues.

    During 2021, the helpline dealt with 69,211 queries that have come through the following channels:

    • 68.6% to short number 017
    • 20.1% through WhatsApp and Telegram channels
    • 11.3% through the web forms/ mailing

    017 Tu ayuda en ciberseguridad INCIBEQueries handled by Helpline channel

    Among the public of minors and their environment (parents and educators), there is growing concern about privacy and reputation on social networks and the Internet, with 31.4% of the queries received by this group, cyberbullying (12.5%) and the protection of devices (11.1%). The ranking was completed by online fraud, sexting, harmful content and parental mediation, among other topics.

  • The Helpline has facilitated the sharing of information and good practices through the Better Internet For Kids Platform, provided ongoing diagnostic information and specific data when requested from the INSAFE network.
  • INCIBE has launched several communication and dissemination actions about the Helpline at national level to promote the service among target groups (general public, parents, teachers, other professionals and entities working in the field) and to improve the positioning among relevant actors. Among these actions we can find:
    • Current information for the Helpline's target audience through the official INCIBE and IS4K channels and social networks.
    • Promotion of the service in all awareness-raising activities and events.
    • Issuing of press releases on the 017 helpline and launch of the new chat channels.
    • ? Two institutional advertising campaigns for traditional media (press, radio and television, outdoor signage) and digital media, presented in 2 different periods of the year (June and September 2021) under the same idea and look&feel: #HoyEsUnAnuncio.


In December 2020, the Ministry of the Interior drafted the official recognition of INCIBE as a representative of the hotline in Spain and its dedication to cooperate with the State Security Forces and Agencies (FCSE).

Furthermore, INCIBE is technically accredited by the European network INHOPE, of which it has been a full member since 2021, after 2 years of temporary membership.

  • INCIBE, in collaboration with the FCSE, has updated the Operational protocol of the hotline and the logistics and facilities to maintain the security measures in the analysts works.
  • The reporting line (RL) started contributing to the regular reporting of statistics and information on the first steps of the service from January 2021 through the Better Internet For Kids platform. In this way, the hotline has provided continuous diagnostic information and knowledge within the network, producing specific reports when requested by INHOPE. The expected results are in line with the current legal capacities of the hotline. INCIBE has proposed a gradual approach to the promotion of the Hotline related to the evolution and consolidation of the Hotline's operation, so that the actions undertaken in the current phase are limited in scope to the immediate stakeholders of the service.

    The actions undertaken in 2021 are as follows:

    • Promotion of the RL among child protection organisations on the Internet, such as 4NSEEK.
    • Promotion of INCIBE's RL at the National Cybersecurity Forum.
    • Interventions in 17 specialised media, presenting the RL and its main characteristics.
    • Participation in 19 events and talks: The INCIBE representatives highlighted the launch of the citizen complaints channel, providing information on access to this service.

Organisation of events

  • Safe Internet Days 2021 and 2022

    INCIBE celebrated Safer Internet Day 2021 on 9 and 10 February 2021, with an online event with the slogan "A better Internet starts with you: more connected, more secure" and Safer Internet Day 2022, on 8 and 9 February 2022 with the slogan "Together for a better Internet".

    In 2021 the event was attended by Her Majesty Queen Letizia and in both editions by the Secretary of State for Digitalisation and Artificial Intelligence, Carme Artigas, during the inauguration (See press release 2021, press release 2022).

    The events were aimed at students of all educational levels, with activities adapted by age groups, as well as their families, educators and professionals in the field of child protection on the Internet. In both editions, more than 40,000 participants and 1,700 educational classrooms took part.

    The agendas have included different workshops on Internet safety and protection and talks for minors and adults. In the 2022 edition there were more than 22,600 attendees on 8 February and on 9 February there were online workshops for citizens aimed at identifying cybersecurity risks and online fraud.

    In addition, in the 2021 edition, the main platforms and digital service providers (Google, Facebook, Twitter, Vodafone, Orange and Telefónica-Movistar) have contributed to the event by recording short videos about their initiatives to promote the safe and responsible use of the Internet by minors. These videos are available on INCIBE's YouTube channel. In the 2022 edition, the results of the diagnoses carried out in the SIC-SPAIN2.0 project were presented.

    Finally, INCIBE presented the distinctions of Cybercooperator of the Year 2020  and 2021 and Cybercooperator of Honour. Prizes were also awarded for the competitions organised by INCIBE during the month of January 2021 to encourage participation in the event.

    This is what #SaferInternetDay 2021 was like

    This is what #SaferInternetDay 2022 was like

  • Jornada “Ciudadanía conectada

    On 16 November 2021, PantallasAmigas held the third edition of the "Connected Citizenship" conference, a meeting which analysed the changes in the regulatory and legislative frameworks that affect the pairing of childhood and the Internet and which was attended by more than 600 people.

    The conference featured 16 speakers, including Carmen Gayo, Director of the Office of the High Commissioner for the fight against child poverty; Violeta Assiego, General Director of Rights of Children and Adolescents of the Ministry of Social Rights and Agenda 2030 or Félix Barrio, Deputy Director of Cybersecurity for Society at INCIBE.

    Different topics were addressed, such as the digital divide among minors, the approval of the Law on Childhood, safe navigation for minors on the Internet and the content to which they have access, among others. More information in thewebsite of the event.

    Ciudadanía Conectada. Derechos de la infancia y mediación parental en el contexto digital Ciudadanía Conectada. Fotografía ponentes. Ciudadanía Conectada. Foto Jornada.

Diagnostic studies

  • Study on gender-specific violence against adolescent girls in the digital environment

    On Tuesday 30 November 2021, the study on gender-specific violence against adolescent girls in the digital environment, which has been prepared by the Chair of Digital Communication in Childhood and Adolescence of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM), in collaboration with Plan International, was also presented virtually.

    The study, in which 1,304 pre-adolescents and adolescents participated (the implementation of the fixed sample was based on random sampling in Spanish cities, as well as sampling by age, gender and income quotas), gives an idea not only of the level of exposure to the network, but also of the insecurity they feel in the digital environment. It also shows that the majority of respondents (64%) are critical of this issue. Access to the study on gender-specific violence against adolescent girls in the digital environment.

  • ? Study of the use of technology in education "Children's views on the challenges of online learning"

    PIn order to carry out a holistic approach to understanding and interpreting the opinions and perceptions that children and adolescents have about the use of technology in education and its implication in school dynamics, an inductive approach was used to study the meanings, experiences and conceptions of the research participants, as well as the interrelation of categories and subcategories. The fieldwork was carried out during September and November 2021 with the development of 30 interviews while the data analysis was developed through the identification of concepts, categories, their relationships and the organisation in a theoretical scheme that has been able to give an explanation and response to the objectives set out on the challenges of digital education in Spain. Access to the study of the use of technology in schools: Children's views on the challenges of online learning.

    Estudio sobre Violencia de género específica hacia las adolescentes en el entorno digital   Estudio del uso de la tecnología en la escuela: La opinión de los niños y las niñas sobre los retos en la educación digital

  • Survey on the impact of technology on family life

    Empantallados has developed a diagnosis, carried out in partnership with GAD3 in order to study the impact on the use of screens in Spanish homes after lockdown. The methodology is quantitative and qualitative, based on a representative sample of the Spanish population:

    • 2 focus groups for parents of adolescents, 500 respondents.
    • 2 focus groups for adolescents (14-17 years old), 300 respondents.

    The topics covered include: screen time and teenagers' reasons for heavy screen use, urgent educational challenges in the wake of the pandemic situation, parents as a reference for children, digital skills opportunities and the future, among others.

    Based on the results of the diagnosis, Empantallados produced a comprehensive report; and ten experts from different areas of knowledge (Sociology, Education, Psychology, Technology...) gave recommendations to encourage families to make a healthier use of technology. Access to the study on the impact of screens on family life.

    Fotografía de la presentación del estudio Photo of participants at the presentation of the study 

  • Qualitative fieldwork with primary school teachers

    The EU Kids Online team of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) developed a diagnosis with primary school teachers. Given that the pandemic situation had promoted the use of ICTs in formal education, attempts were made to gather evidence on the opportunities that ICTs had provided for student learning, the role of the teacher in improving students' online safety, and the digital divide between different schools and students.

    A qualitative approach was developed through interviews and focus groups:

    • Four interviews were conducted with professional staff members of the National Institute of Educational Technologies and Teacher Training (INTEF).
    • 17 focus groups were conducted with 6 primary education teachers each, one group per autonomous community. In each of the groups, there was an attempt to reflect typological diversity of the teachers according to their age, gender, teaching cycle, teaching profile, school ownership and teaching environment.

    The topics addressed were the use of ICT in schools and the opportunities they offer students for learning, teacher training needs and new challenges related to their new teaching role, communication with families and digital mediation of students, among others.

    The evidence gathered through this research is analysed in the following report: Experiences of primary education teachers in the digital literacy of students.

    Experiences of primary education teachers in the digital literacy of students

  • Qualitative and quantitative research into the presence of good practices in the implementation of ICT at educational centres

    Fundación Aprender a Mirar (FAAM) has carried out a multi-level evaluation to define the evaluable items related to the certification of good practices in the implementation of ICT in educational centres. A first version of the prototype compliance checklist was developed to evaluate the good practices carried out in the schools and to define the methodology for the verification of each criterion in future audits. Experts will review this prototype to seek a consensus model. In addition, research work on the main aspects was also developed during 2021, organising all references, as well as a specific survey and a plan for the implementation of a practical pilot in several schools in 2022-23.

    FAAM launched a survey to assess the guidelines on various aspects related to good digital practices in schools, the aim of which were:

    • Help to complete the definition of the new PDA Digital best practice certification modality - currently under development - with a view to detailing the specific best practice code and the most appropriate verification methodologies for each indicator.
    • Collect information on good digital practices in schools, identify needs and gaps, as well as difficulties and the degree of adaptation to the regulatory framework.

    FAAM has also conducted 5,976 surveys aimed at children (on their online habits and consumption of digital content), within the framework of the Audiovisual Education Programme.

  • Study on the existing digital divide in educational centres

    Gaptain has developed a study on the digital divide and coexistence in schools.

    The data for the study were collected during the implementation of the Kids Centric programme in 10 schools in the Community of Madrid. In each of the schools, a diagnosis was carried out among the pupils of 2 classes, aged between 8 and 12 years (from 5th year Primary Education to 2nd year Bachillerato [Post-compulsory secondary education]). A total of around 400 students took part.

    Data were collected through video games. They analyse, on the one hand, how these students use technology and, on the other hand, how they relate to each other.

    The specific digital risks affecting them are extracted from these data, and the levels of school coexistence are calculated according to the levels of violence, equality and well-being.

    Estudio sobre la brecha digital existente en centros educativos

Logo SIC-SPAIN 2Co-financed by the Connecting Europe Facility of the European Union