Captain of the Civil Guard

Juan Carlos Pérez Sanchez

Captain Juan Carlos has been serving as a Civil Guard Officer since 2016. In his first years, he was responsible for different Citizen Security Units while specializing in IT with obtaining the Military IT Diploma. In 2019, he was assigned to the Telecommunications Interception Group of the Information Headquarters of the Civil Guard, where he is responsible for communicating with communications operators and providers of online communications services (such as instant messaging systems or networks). social) in order to cover the information needs that come from these entities for all the Corps' investigations.


Executive Director, Mining Cybersecurity Corporation

Katherina Canales Madrid 

She is currently Executive Director of the Mining Cybersecurity Corporation. Katherina is former Operational Director of the CSIRT of the Chilean government, expert in cybersecurity strategies, with special emphasis on public policies, cybersecurity incident response teams and awareness. She is recognized by academia, industry and internationally as an influential woman in cybersecurity. 


Technical Director at Securízame

Lorenzo Martínez Rodríguez

Computer Engineer (Deusto - 2001). Technical Director at Securízame, a Spanish company specialized in cybersecurity. Computer forensic expert. Member 260-0051M of the Professional Association of Computer Engineers of La Rioja. Professional expert in forensic analysis, expertise and incident response. 


International Consultant and Professor U Latina of Costa Rica

Luis Adrian Salazar Solís

Professor at Universidad Latina, International Technology Consultant, Former Minister of Science, Technology and Telecommunications, Journalist, Former Minister of Science, Technology and Telecommunications.



Manuel Dario Benítez

Civil Guard since 2007. Assigned to the Central Operative Unit (Telematic Crimes Group) since 2009, Courses of Forensic Analysis and taught among others by IACIS (International Association of Computer Investigative Specialists), ONRETRIEVAL, ONDATA (NUIX) and CELLBRITE, as well as several Masters in Digital Evidence Analysis (UAM and CUGC), since 6 months ago in the Section of Analysis and Intervention of Crypoactive Assets of the Department Against Cybercrime.


Cryptocurrencies Specialist at Mossos d'Esquadra Police | Cross Border Investigations | Asset Recovery

Manuel Fernández Filgueira

Cyber investigator specialized in cryptocurrencies and digital asset recovery, I combine technical expertise with a passion for cryptocurrencies to fight against cybercrime.