Mercedes Fuertes

Chairman of the Working Group on Confidence Building Measures (CBM) in Cyberspace of the Organization of American States (OAS).

Attorney advisor to the General Directorate of International Legal Cooperation of the Ministry of the Presidency, Justice and Relations with the Courts.

Miriam Bahamonde Blanco

She has been a member of the Public Prosecutor's Office since 2008, where she was a member of the network of specialists in international legal cooperation. She is currently an advisor to the DGCJI of the Ministry of the Presidency, Justice and Relations with the Courts. She was part of the Drafting Group of the Second Additional Protocol to the Budapest Convention and is currently a member of the T-CY Bureau. Among other international negotiations, she is the representative of Spain in the UN AHC for the elaboration of a convention against cybercrime.


Chief Inspector, Chief of Section of Analysis of Encrypted Platforms, National Police.

Mª Dolores González Acuña

She was sworn in as Inspector of National Police since 2005, being her first destination the Provincial Police Station of Malaga where she developed jobs in the Information Brigade and later in the Judicial Police in the fraud section.In 2007 she was assigned to the General Commissariat of Judicial Police developing jobs in the Central Narcotics Brigade.From 2013 she was Head of the Fugitive Group and from 2018 to 2022 she was Liaison Officer in Martinique .In 2023 she was promoted to the category of Chief Inspector taking possession of the position she currently holds.


Head of the Inspection Service (e.f.) of the General Council of the Judiciary and Magistrate of the Audiencia Nacional on special service

Mª Dolores Hernández Rueda

Degree in Law and Criminology from the University of Valencia. She joined the judicial career in 1989 and has held various positions, specializing in criminal law. She has been a judge in the National Court and in the special service since February 2023, currently holding the position of Head of the Inspection Service, in functions. University lecturer at the Uned and the University of Valencia, in school of legal practice, law degree (criminal law department) and master's degree in law and procedural guarantees. Lecturer in other institutions and speaker at Bar Associations especially in criminal procedural issues, human trafficking, cybercrime and victim protection. Member of the working group in the Ministry of Justice and the CGPJ on the Draft Bill of Criminal Procedure Law 2020.


Prosecutor for international cooperation of the Provincial Prosecutor's Office of Madrid.

Mª Eugenia Hernández Fernández

Prosecutor for 20 years, the last three and a half years in the specialty of international cooperation. From April 2014 to July 2019 I worked as an advisor in the general directorate of international legal cooperation of the ministry of justice where I worked in various international committees such as the committees of the Council of Europe relating to the conventions on combating terrorism and the convention on cybercrime: Budapest Convention.


Cybersecurity Policy Officer / Organization of American States (OAS)

Orlando Fabián Garcés Corzo

OAS/CICTE Cybersecurity Policy Officer leading the development and implementation of National Cybersecurity Strategies in Member States. He has worked with the IDB and the EU Cyber4Dev project. With more than 23 years of experience, he is a Civil Engineer with a Master in Economics and Certificates in Cyber Policy from Harvard University, University of Reading, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Florida International University and University of Leon.