Editor of GLIDER.es blog about Hacking, Forensic & Cybersecurity

Manuel Guerra

Investigator specialized in Cybercrime and crimes committed through or with the help of new technologies, especially those crimes that require advanced technical knowledge for their prosecution. Computer Forensic Analyst. Professor in different Spanish Universities, both in Degrees, as Professional Expert or Master courses, related to Cybercrime and Cyberlaw. Speaker both nationally and internationally at numerous cybersecurity conferences. 



Marco Antonio Valbuena Farpon

Commander of the Civil Guard. He has held various roles in the field of information/intelligence, including Deputy Head of the Cyberterrorism Group, Liaison Officer at the Armed Forces Intelligence Center and currently a member of the NATO Center of Excellence CIED. He has participated in missions abroad including Afghanistan and Kosovo.

He is in possession of the courses Superior of Information, Superior of Intelligence, Advanced of Intelligence and Security, Cryptologist Specialist, STIC Management or TEDAX. He also holds a Master's Degree in Intelligence Analysis and Cyber Intelligence as well as a Master's Degree in Digital Evidence Analysis and Combating Cybercrime.


Cybersecurity Engineer en Telefónica Tech

María Mercedes Muñoz Morillas

Mercedes has more than 7 years of experience working in offensive cybersecurity where she has participated in conferences such as IntelCON, C1b3rWall or UAD360. She is also part of Securiters, a project in which she shares cybersecurity knowledge through the events they organize and on their platform.


Creadora de Securiters y Application Security Engineer in Oracle Netsuite

Marta Barrio

Marta Barrio Marcos, curious by nature, has been working in cybersecurity for more than 12 years, specializing in offensive security. She dedicates part of her free time to Securiters, a project of dissemination and content creation. She has several certifications such as OSCP, OSWP, OSCE and CRTP among others. 


Cybersecurity Analyst at Kyndryl

Marta López Pardal

Security analyst specialized in defensive environments and in love with the Blue Team. She is a mentor for the Cyber League of the Guardia Civil and a teacher in her spare time, she has collaborated on projects in different sectors such as banking, insurance, public institutions, etc.


Cybersecurity Operations Researcher, CERT Division, Software Engineering Institute (SEI), Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA

Melissa Sierra

Melissa Sirera is a Cybersecurity Operations Researcher within the CERT Division of the Software Engineering Institute (SEI) at Carnegie Mellon University. Ms. Sirera has been working with the International Support Team at the SEI since 2023. The SEI International Support Team works with US partnering nations, assisting with cyber capacity building through the U.S. Department of State. Prior to working at the SEI, Ms. Sirera managed technical intelligence operations for a large U.S. bank.