Director & Founder of VapaSec

Pablo San Emeterio López 

Expert in Cybersecurity, he is a Computer Engineer by the UPM and has a Master in Auditing and Information Security by the UPM, he has different certifications such as CISA or CISM.

He has worked for more than 20 years in different positions related to software development, cybersecurity and R&D&I. His research on the security of instant messaging applications and his work on dynamic application instrumentation techniques stand out. He has been able to present his work at major national and international cybersecurity conferences.

He is currently founder and director of the cybersecurity company VAPASEC. Previously he worked for companies such as Telefónica and Optenet. VAPASEC is a global cybersecurity provider that works to improve and optimize the digital protection of organizations.


CEO/Auditor Leader - CS3 GROUP

Pedro Asensio Candel Rodríguez

Cybersecurity professional, known as "s4ur0n" (the all-seeing eye) with more than 25 years of experience. Specialized in Offensive Security (Red Team), Malware, Reversing, Secure Development and Compliance. Currently CEO and Auditor Leader at CS3 GROUP with national and international projects in the telecommunications, aerospace, banking, real estate, insurance and critical infrastructure sectors among others. University lecturer for masters and regular speaker at multiple conferences specialized in cybersecurity worldwide.  


Rector de Evidentia University, Florida, USA

Rafael López Pérez

Ph.D. in Psychology. Ph.D. in Economics. Degree in Economics and Business Administration. Degree in Psychology. Degree in Criminology. Rector of Evidentia University of Behavioral & Forensic Sciences, University based in the USA, State of Florida. President of the Behavior & Law Foundation and President of the Scientific Society of Behavioral Economics. 


Analyst of digital policy and international agenda, Real Instituto Elcano. Project Lead at Global Initiative on the Future of the Internet, European University Institute (EU agency)

Raquel Jorge

Analyst at the think tank Real Instituto Elcano where she is in charge of the technology and international policy agenda, and Project Lead in the first project on technology foreign policy at the EUI in collaboration with DG CONNECT and the SEAE, she is a former Fulbright scholar in Washington, DC, and has worked as an independent expert for the European Commission, Inter-American Development Bank, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Government of Spain and the Berkman Klein Center at Harvard University.


Full Professor / University of Zaragoza

Ricardo J. Rodríguez

Ricardo J. Rodríguez es Doctor en Informática e Ingeniería de Sistemas por la Universidad de Zaragoza desde 2013. Actualmente, trabaja como Profesor Titular en la misma universidad. Sus intereses de investigación incluyen el análisis de sistemas complejos, con especial énfasis en el rendimiento y su seguridad, el forense digital y el análisis de aplicaciones binarias. Participa como ponente habitual y profesor de talleres técnicos en numerosas conferencias de seguridad del sector industrial, como NoConName, Hack.LU, RootedCON, Hack in Paris, MalCON, SSTIC CCN-CERT, o Hack in the Box Amsterdam, entre otras. Lidera una línea de investigación dedicada a seguridad informática en la Universidad de Zaragoza (



Ros Ana Morán Martínez

Law degree from the University of Oviedo. Joined the Judicial Career (on leave of absence) and the Prosecutor's Career in 1987. Prosecutor for 13 years in the Prosecutor's Office of Barcelona. Prosecutor of the Technical Secretariat of the State Attorney General's Office from November 2000 until May 2011, when he was promoted to the category of Prosecutor of the Chamber, creating the International Judicial Cooperation Unit. She has been a leader and participant in dozens of international projects and has directed the Permanent Secretary of the Ibero-American Association of Public Prosecutors (AIAMP). Since May 2022 she is Chief Prosecutor of the Special Anti-Drug Prosecutor's Office. She has been decorated with several honors, including the Legion of Honor of the French Republic and the Medal of the Order of the Belgian Crown.