This article aims to present a brief example guide for an implementation of the new standard in a supplier's facilities.
Going through the critical points of the standard, a generic use case will be followed to exemplify how a vehicle manufacturer can adapt its processes to comply with the new standard in an efficient and effective way.
By presenting an overview of the standard and production processes, the aim is to provide a brief guide to serve as a starting point and help avoid common failures in industrial environments when faced with new regulations, such as redundancy of effort, inefficiency in resource management and deficiencies in the application of safety measures.

The digital twins are virtual recreations of real-world objects or processes. This innovative idea, proposed by Dr. Michael Grieves, has become increasingly relevant in various industrial sectors thanks to the advancement of technologies such as 3D modelling, the Internet of Things (IoT), the IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things), machine learning and big data. Its application makes it possible to simulate and analyse physical processes efficiently, thus contributing to the digital transformation of industry, also known as Industry 4.0.
The fundamental purpose of digital twins is to facilitate the understanding of how elements operate in the physical world. For example, in manufacturing, it is possible to create a digital twin of a factory and through simulations explore different scenarios: what would happen if a machine were modified, how would it impact production, and what would happen if a machine were changed? The digital twin provides answers before real changes are made to the physical environment, speeding up decision-making and optimising processes.

The agri-food sector is one of the most critical sectors today because it is one of the most important sectors for the country's economy, as it produces food.
This sector, like many others, is in continuous evolution. An example of this is the automation and digitalization of the many processes that are carried out. These new technologies bring many advantages, such as more efficient processes, less water consumption, detection of possible risks, etc. These great advantages also bring with them some problems, such as increased exposure to cyber-attacks.
Therefore, this article provides some basic knowledge to make the industry aware of the importance of implementing cybersecurity in their technologies.

This post presents some lines of action that should be followed to deal with a DrDoS cyberattack based on the PortMapper protocol, describing in detail the prevention, identification and response phases to follow.

This post presents some lines of action that should be followed to deal with a DrDoS cyberattack based on the LDAP protocol, describing in detail the prevention, identification and response phases to follow.

This post presents some lines of action that should be followed to deal with a DrDoS cyberattack based on the QOTD protocol, describing in detail the prevention, identification and response phases to follow.

This post presents some lines of action that should be followed to deal with a DrDoS cyberattack based on the SSDP protocol, describing in detail the prevention, identification and response phases to follow.

En este post se presentan algunas líneas de actuación que deben seguirse para hacer frente a un ciberataque DrDoS basado en el protocolo CharGEN, describiendo detalladamente las fases de prevención, identificación y respuesta a adoptar.

After the pandemic, it has been observed that the healthcare sector has been one of the most attacked by cybercrimilas and organizations. This has generated a significant impact on the affected organitations, making it essencial to protect this sector due to its strategic nature and to achieve this, it is neccesary to understand its characteristics and the threats that affect it.

The increase of malware specifically designed to run on systems that support industrial processes creates a need in the industry that can be partly covered by different technological solutions. This article will focus on the different options available on the market to detect malicious files that aim to modify the operation of industrial environments or simply cause denials of service.
Both portable and agent-deployed solutions can be an option, and this article will reflect on these and other options as well as provide guidelines on when it is best to use one solution or the other.