Industrial Honeypots

Posted on 23/03/2017, by
Honeypots industriales
The increasing number of attacks to industrial networks forces us to analyse their behaviour so that we can implement measures to mitigate said attacks. One of the options used to learn about the behaviour of attacks is the deployment of honeypots. This article deals with the advantages and challenges of this technology when used in industrial environments.

Cryptography for Strengthening Cybersecurity in Industrial Environments

Posted on 23/02/2017, by
Although in industrial environments, availability is king, integrity is also a factor to be taken into account as data must be transferred in unaltered form. The use of mechanisms such as digital signatures helps with integrity, although it is not so simple to implement in all environments.

Features and security in PROFINET

Posted on 16/02/2017, by
Features and security in PROFINET
The use of Ethernet communications in different automation systems along with the increase in IT standards in the industrial world are bringing the worlds of IT and OT ever closer, both at a technological and communication level. From this convergence emerge communication standards like PROFINET, which we shall analyse in this article.

Network Analyzers in Control Systems

Posted on 10/02/2017, by
The security of a system is fundamentally based on knowledge of the communications developed therein. For this reason, network analyzers are indispensable elements that allow us to identify the information exchanged between elements and discover relevant information, such as erroneous implementations of the stack of some protocols, possible information leaks, non-defined communications, etc.

Security for PLC Updating

Posted on 26/01/2017, by
Security for PLC Updating
Sometimes it is necessary to make some adjustments to control system devices, which leads to a reprogramming of PLC, RTU and similar devices. Reprogramming is a complicated step in terms of security and if the process is not adequately executed, the entire process of which the device is a part may be at risk.