Best practices in industrial network segmentation

Posted on 04/05/2023, by
Decorative image network segmentation blog
The growth of cyberattacks suffered in the industrial world is very worrying, since it is a sector that until recently the vast majority of its devices were not connected to the Internet, so the implementation of cybersecurity had never been thought of.But with Industry 4.0 all that has changed, since almost all devices are interconnected or have Internet connection creating many advantages, but also some problem.That is why experts in this field have seen the need to improve and implement cybersecurity in the industry, for this they have created different models and applications. Some of these can be seen in the following article.

The power of the gateways in the IIoT

Posted on 27/04/2023, by
gears with shadow of a walking man image
With the industrial revolution of Industry 4.0, industrial processes have become more intelligent, and this has led to the deployment of a greater number of devices. All these deployments usually have a common point, being the gateways, which, after being deployed, are responsible for the translation of some protocols to the TCP/UDP frame or simply send the information to the cloud.Being a point that gathers a large amount of data and capable of providing intelligence to industrial processes, industrial gateways have become a very desirable target for attackers.

Maintenance for new industry

Posted on 20/04/2023, by
Two technician looking at a screen
One of the most important activities in the industry is the industrial maintenance because it could extend the service life of devices. This activity has always been more mechanically oriented, but currently it might talk a new type of maintenance because the new industry technologies and increase of cyberattacks.This maintenance is more related with the informatic world and in this article will be able to see the principals characteristics and the actions to be taken to ensure that it is carried out correctly.

The importance of technical reports

Posted on 13/04/2023, by
Gavel and notebook on a table
Technical reporting is one of the most important parts of the completion of a task, as it reflects the results of all the work done. Moreover, it does not only constitute a final deliverable for a customer, or for the decision-makers within an organization, but also acts as the link between the person or team that has carried out the task and the decision-makers, based on the findings.

ICS matrix, the status of v11

Posted on 05/04/2023, by
ICS matrix, the status of v11
Currently, there is a constant evolution in the technologies and implementations made in Industrial Control Systems. On one hand, some of the most common implementations for the improvement of industrial systems infrastructures are digitalization and the use of cloud technology. On the other hand, the increase in communication protocols and IIoT devices (due to the growth of the Industry 4.0) generates a large volume of traffic that is difficult to control and secure.

Cybersecurity in TETRA networks study

Posted on 30/03/2023, by
Cybersecurity in TETRA networks study decorative image
The TETRA (Terrestrial Trunked Radio) network is a standard developed in Europe in the 1990s by ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute), whose emergence came because of the management of telephone communications for extreme cases, in which standard communication via mobile might not work properly. Therefore, it can be considered as an alternative network for communications with emergency and security services to be always operational. TETRA unifies different digital radio interface alternatives for communications and serves as a standard for the construction of private mobile networks or PMR (Private Mobile Radio).

The great robotic crusade

Posted on 27/03/2023, by
Imagen Decorative image the great robotic crusade
Within the industrial world, there are some sectors such as robotics, which has evolver considerably. This has led to the need to update all the regulations and standards, both in terms of physical (safety) and cybersecurity. (security). Given that the robotics sector is and will increasingly become a highly technical sector with exponential growth, the need to update all documentation has been promoted by a large group of companies in the sector, which, above all, have focused their concerns on the cybersecurity of the industrial robotics world.

Threat analysis study: LockBit

Posted on 23/03/2023, by
Study decorative image
En este estudio, se expone brevemente el origen y evolución de la amenaza ransomware LockBit 3.0, a través del análisis de varias muestras maliciosa, con el objetivo de facilitar la información necesaria para poder identificar las características propias de este malware, su comportamiento y técnicas empleadas, permitiendo así una mejor identificación y respuesta ante ella.

ICS’S future is in the space

Posted on 20/03/2023, by
space satellite
There are areas where the deployment of an industrial plant requires satellite communications such as those provided by VSAT (Very-Small-Aperture Terminal) technology. This technology allows the exchange of information through an antenna made up of different terminals, installed in remote locations with the connection capacity of a central hub, thanks to a satellite. Obviously, this technology has a cost that not all companies can afford, but it covers coverage needs in places where there are no other communication options. This type of communications is not only widespread in the industry, but its also sometimes used by banks to perform banking transactions at ATM’s. These communications are not so well known by many experts in the industrial sector, and it can be a good opportunity to bridge the knowledge gap so that readers can learn more about the advantages and disadvantages of VSAT communications.