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News posted on 25/03/2021
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Blog posted on 18/02/2021

Software Defined Radio (SDR) is the result of the technological evolution of conventional analogue radio. Its characteristics and operational capability make it a versatile device with both positive and negative applications within the field of cybersecurity.

Imagen decorativa Noticia
News posted on 09/02/2021
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Blog posted on 21/01/2021

The attacks on the Saudi Aramco oil refinery have highlighted the vulnerabilities of these plants against physical attacks using drones. There’s a wide variety of physical and cyber attacks that use drones, from launching explosives, to capturing images, invasion of privacy or taking screenshots of Wi-Fi traffic, so companies should take new defense measures in order to protect their assets

Imagen decorativa Noticia
News posted on 13/01/2020
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Blog posted on 19/12/2019

Wireless networks are constantly evolving. As a result, 5G technology is born, continuing the roll-out of mobile phones and other associated services. This new technology is in an advanced stage of development and is already included in a multitude of next-generation devices. In fact, its deployment applied to mobile networks is already being done in numerous major cities in our country.